Publication Date 4 December 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34346 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item their powers and duties under the Statute intituled Finance and Property except in so far as such contracts and agreements require to be sealed with the Common Seal of the University. CHAPTER XII: THE…
Publication Date 1 December 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34345 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item of valuable services Whitehall, November 30, 1936. The KING has been pleased to give and grant unto Sir Robert Hyde Greg, K.C.M.G., His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Grand Cordon o…
Publication Date 27 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34344 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Jack Facer, 565530 Leading Aircraftman Royal Air Force. For Meritorious Service. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. St. James's Palace, S.W., Nth November, 1936. The KING has been graciousl…
Publication Date 24 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34343 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item NOTICE. DANGEROUS DRUGS ACTS, 1920 TO 1932. WITHDRAWAL OF AUTHORITY. OWEN RICHAED JONES. Whereas Owen Richard Jones, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), L.R.F.P.S. (Glasg.), of 4, Dellfield Crescent, Cowley, …
Publication Date 20 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34342 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item TENDERS FOR TREASURY BILLS. 1.The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury hereby give notice that Tenders will be received at the Bill Office, at the Bank of England, on Friday, the 27th Novembe…
Publication Date 17 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34341 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Privy Council Office, 11th November, 1936. The following Statutes made by the University of Oxford nn the 3rd day of November, 1936, have been submitted for the approval of His Majesty in Council, and…
Publication Date 13 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34340 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item the interests of religion that the particular part of the said New Parish of Christ Church, Patricroft, which is hereinafter mentioned and described should be constituted a separate District in the ma…
Publication Date 10 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34339 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item " And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, have prepared this Scheme for the union of the said two Benefices which Scheme is based upon the terms recommended in the said Repo…
Publication Date 6 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34338 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item " And whereas a capital sum of £2,000 has been contributed and paid to the credit of our account at the Bank of England towards the cost of erecting a permanent Church for the said District of Saint G…
Publication Date 3 November 1936 The London Gazette, Issue 34337 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 3rd day of November, 1936. PRESENT, The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. HIS Majesty in Council was this day pleased to direct that the Right Honourable…