Publication Date 19 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1801 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item teckeley whitih ftakes1 us befirW f>Bcrei'>a'If||r)- tiajion flih oh foot*; irJtf weT-ft-o wi*}?n| t h6pe Jt "Jvill end T4 44 a r3r*blrm(bdati<Srl trt-wefcn> th**En^ perdr and *tht Hunimin?,^ "Ppralon…
Publication Date 15 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1800 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item surefa'F'fliatt-^iswe fnc-faflage through therOttomt* Tcrritories, 13. And comiagtb thei"orTwith the yearly Presents, or upon any other occasion, sliall be Honourably received. 14. TheGrand Signior wi…
Publication Date 12 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1799 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Fienna, fan. 31. Thc Treaty of Alliance, Negotiated by thc Baron Leyiel, betweeu the Empero"? and thc Elector of Bavaria, is, it's said, concluded, and an Express has been sent to Municken to give ,j …
Publication Date 8 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1798 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item wngef- i lss Obm m JU&ji. m MM^^g k Affairs that call him thither. HjaE: ._ ,... ...r. aoouc,.ii Wf Jcl'a'yB tt "dfJurB1iao ,"Bli<t!lIff'i fliatl h^c cm S!- 4-i/*l.#5& CKyBasticfirrcdi x-, opoljthfeW*…
Publication Date 5 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1797 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Ambassadors ac Francfort J tnd have given him "isl- authentick Copy of it. .Liege, Feb. 3. On Sunday last the 32 Trades' Companies assembled to consider of the P^qjjpft^ tion made on the part of his E…
Publication Date 1 February 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1796 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Cologne. 4tti. 10. "Hie jSieiir Lcnthe, who was at the- Conference at Frtncfort on the part Qf the King; of Denmark, is arrival here, fiavjnga Comf- mislion ftom that sting to our Elector. The Deputie…
Publication Date 29 January 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1795 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item fear it -r I! have no better success than the hit had, - he hid called all his General Officers to Court in" is, that tne very Person who was thc occasion of ; order to thc holding a Council of War, T…
Publication Date 25 January 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1794 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item piding for. The- Baroir ii LeydeU Envoy Extras ordinary from jtfae Elector ori Bavaria, has had se*9 veral Conferences,! since this arrival, With theMP oisters here, atnd, it js /aid,, that he has alr…
Publication Date 22 January 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1793 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Sewartzenburg. "A new and strict Alliance is Negotiating between the Emperor and thc Elector of Bavaria, who has sent his Vice-Chancellor, thc Baron de Leyiel, to Vienna. Hamburg, Jan. j**. Our Letter…
Publication Date 18 January 1682 The London Gazette, Issue 1792 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item in cafe of a War. The Letters add, that Count} Costings marine was preparing for his-departure foO Pomeren, of which Country he is Governor for tha King of Sueden, and that his Baggage was already: Sh…