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Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

THE G MODIANO LIMITED GENERAL PENSION SCHEME Notice is given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, that the G Modiano Limited General Pension Scheme (“the Scheme”) is winding-up. Any person…

View Notices under the Trustee Act 1925 full notice

Industrial and Provident Societies

Notice of cancellation pursuant to section 16 of the Act Notice is hereby given that the Central Office have, pursuant to the above-mentioned section, this day cancelled the registration of MARCHNADOE…

View Industrial and Provident Societies full notice

Redemption or Purchase of Own Shares out of Capital

ISAMBARD ESTATES LIMITED Pursuant to section 175 of the Companies Act 1985, Isambard Estates Limited, Company Number 02886773 (the “Company”) hereby gives notice that: Pursuant to section 173 of the C…

View Redemption or Purchase of Own Shares out of Capital full notice