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Notice of Intended Dividends

In the Canterbury County Court  No. 588 of 1991 STEPHANIE CAROL BASS Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a First and Final Dividend to preferential Creditors within a period of 4 months fr…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

In the Torquay County Court.  No. 187 of 1995 MICHAEL JOHN HART An Interim Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. All Creditors who do not prove their debt by 26th February 1998 will…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

WALSH, Michael Patrick, 15 Widey Lane, Plymouth PL6 5JS. Court—PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—59 of 1996. First, Final, or otherwise—Final. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—27th February 1998. Name of Trustee a…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

WALSH, Martin Joseph, 171 Valley Drive, Kingsbury, London NW9 9NT. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—13098 of 1995. First, Final, or otherwise—Final. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—27th Februa…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

Colchester & Clacton County Court  No. 22 of 1993 SURINDERJIT KAUR RAO Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a First and Final Divided to preferential Creditors herein within a period of fou…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

In the Reading County Court  No. 365 of 1995 SABINA GREEN Notice is hereby given that the Trustee of the above-named Debtor intends to pay within four months of the date of this Notice a First and Fin…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

High Court of Justice  No. 7304 of 1991 PETER JOHN M c CANN Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Rule 11.2(1A) of the Insolvency Act 1986, that the Trustee of the above intends paying a First and F…

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