Publication Date 17 November 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 835 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Page 1 J9uwfr, 835 The London Gazette. ^rpqj J0tfjub)l|! fXovfflper x*), t^fe'ijU^JiajPNovemfccr 2o, 167*1. mitfitfori', 6f the rn.ttters ^hitlilnaTl be pftpUsed, rm3 parriesuhrfy to&eeocnisethe Inian…
Publication Date 13 November 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 834 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Page 1 JBumMtf The London Gazette. ^utJUQjeo ty^tmjOrtitv* from {£t)UtS$ap November 13. to$Jur(Dtf£ Novqnber x7 . \67 £ Florence, OtfobcriS. t » , j tack that was made, the dther two being Only to amu…
Publication Date 10 November 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 833 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item olred to attack a Half-moon, in the Prince of Orangei Quarter. The Rhyn-Grave we hear has lost his Legi Hague, NoV. 0.1 his day the Sieur Fifi-f'b arrived here from Woerden, to give the Scates an acco…
Publication Date 6 November 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 832 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Monsieur de Turenne, who lies with his Armybefweeri * Spire a/id Wormes, is disposing himself to march to*- wards ihat place, having reinforced himself with thi Troop., were Commanded by the Mar…
Publication Date 3 November 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 831 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Cotogre them. to the Governor of theCastle,where the King is,That it the sail Lcmts, a Wan bf great Interest in tp be brought alon* with him. ItrS reported thatches Vhfr-lfhnH of^terebre, wi$…
Publication Date 30 October 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 830 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Hambrough,Oft. jp. Here happened ibme days tend todo, to look after some priyare concerns of thei*: sinJe a fad accident of Fire, which burnt down to the own; We are told that- the Duke de cbaulnes, o…
Publication Date 27 October 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 829 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item besides, very much harassed by their march, having had very bad weather; the account we have here pf their strength, is, thac chey make up about 1000 Hprse, ani abouc T4000 Foot; and that they h* ye w…
Publication Date 23 October 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 828 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item last they repassed the Main again, breaking the Bridge down behind them, and arc stnee joyned with the body of cheir Army. Ic is said, that Monsieur de Turenne is likewise broke up, and that ha likewi…
Publication Date 20 October 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 827 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item ts march on tha side of Gelnbauscn , near the Bridge if Lamboy in Wcttertvia , where they will endeavor tj Post themselves fs,advan;agiously as chey can, so as JRpuse, which was quenched again ; 7 his…
Publication Date 16 October 1673 The London Gazette, Issue 826 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item few Leagues ofche place of Rendezvous ; upon cheir at-' tival there, ft Is said we shall have an Army of 40000 Men rogether, with which we may be able to make some considerable attempt upon the Turks,…