Publication Date 10 March 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5102 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item oF May, and in the hleiin fime his Body is deposites, in th-S-Chappfel bf the Castle. Major General Grotn- "kAu And Monfieur Creutt have been declared Coun*. seHote^oF5 State, atid are to have the dir…
Publication Date 7 March 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5101 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item upbn. dispatch'd an Ertpi-eft. to tlikt P'ttlaW td gtVe him notice of. his P^dmtifcidh. ,-.'** Brussels, Match 13. N. S. The States ofBralwrt haven been lately assembled it this PladB, and ate now sep…
Publication Date 3 March 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5100 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item rived hf re with a grint Retimie from Mcravia.-is is likewise the Count d'Atalaya, Gepem, of the) Portuguese Troops, froni Catalonia ;.and the Princ? de Honeniolern, Colonel of the Imperial Regltjapnf…
Publication Date 28 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5099 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item sumj That Prince being apprehensive oC a Descent on the Ifland of Zeeland, hath sent three Regiments to cover that Province, and they nd to be followed very soon by three more, which will be replaced …
Publication Date 24 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5098 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Muscovites time to advance and prevent tbem. We are assured, that there is a Reinforcement of Troops in Sweden ready to embark for Wifmar, t make a Diversion, and favour the retreat of Ge-> neral Stei…
Publication Date 21 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5097 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item ao Stookholm by the Duke ofi Holstein (aajtjttepf w ho iatii *bkemde-*laTe* ofi Ak"S thc^h*l'*h WS qutti thirieeti^ea^Ofa. feaW^',lGae-*tti \tfa $#$M qf ^-^-diWilistiiafo-t fd*&<^Qw'wp***^zwt h i8ft n…
Publication Date 17 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5096 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item standing the great Heceslity -we bave foi- Hoh"'^ Thit hath obliged the Government to lay si-B-te. tils** Taxes bit the People* Oft the 8th Instant-tw^-MeU of Wa** sail'd firom hence to the Ndrth Sea*…
Publication Date 14 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5095 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item DireBors ofth syiiMisit or*Asiigns, may appear l/ef ort them at their Office jn . te adrust their Prope}VJeii. and npt be excluct\d\ tht$:nisit^nr tended them by lapsing tht Time alltye'd by .heed^sts…
Publication Date 10 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5094 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Oxford Circuit. Mr. Justice BlencOwe. Mr. Baron Price. Berks, Monday Marcb 2. at idaflingfordr Oxon, Wednesday March 4. at Oxon. Gloucester, Saturday Mirch 7. at Gloucester. City of Gloucester, the sa…
Publication Date 7 February 1712 The London Gazette, Issue 5093 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item to fo^voy the -forgaft *-iyh-ieh his Ma|*^ly expedliB ^CW Ahat Jtingdofiaj ai idfii to-prerertt a? T*a-nf]boi-* tatiW, Whioh 4t f# sftip^9ffe'-i. t*h*e Swfedfe* TSi*te5 St* t ? n4a*We' fibril Gottfeft…