Publication Date 4 May 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26509 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, May 4, 1894. NOTICE is hereby given, that His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will, by command of The Queen, hold a Levee at St. James's Palace, on be…
Publication Date 1 May 1894 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 10566 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item State, has been pleased to appoint Mr. Robert Consul-General in London. In pursuance of Section 67 of the above Act, Mr. Basile Jsathanail as Greek Consul-General in , the Right Honourable Herbert Hen…
Publication Date 1 May 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26508 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item T the Court at Windsor, the 30th day of April, 1894. PRESENT, The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty. Lord President. Lord Steward. Earl of Chesterfield. Lord Chamberlain. Sir Charles Russell. Sir Frank L…
Publication Date 27 April 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26507 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Whitehall, April 26, 1894. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for presenting the Reverend John Fl…
Publication Date 27 April 1894 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 10565 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item SCHEDULE OF RESOLUTIONS. First? That under the authority, and subject to the provisions of the Local Authorities Loans (Scotland) Acts, 1891 and 1893, the Town Council do hereby, in exercise of their …
Publication Date 24 April 1894 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 10564 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item WITHOUT COMPETITION. Customs : Boatman?Charles Simon Quinain. AFTER LIMITED COMPETITION. Foreign Office: Clerk on the Establishment, or Attache in the Diplomatic Service?Charles Sebastian Somers Cocks…
Publication Date 24 April 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26506 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Westminster, April 23, 1894. THIS day the Lords being met .a message was ent to the Honourable House of Commons by Education Department, Whitehall, April 19, 1894. THE Lords of the Committee of the Pr…
Publication Date 20 April 1894 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 10563 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item the said section, sub-section 16, to repeal or modify any Ordinance made under the provisions of the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858. Therefore the Commissioners under the first- mentioned Act statu…
Publication Date 20 April 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26505 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Whitehall, April 6, 1894. THE Queen has been pleased to grant unto Edward Everard Earle Welby, of Gosberton House, in the parish of Gosberton, and of Fulney House, in the parish of Spalding, both in t…
Publication Date 17 April 1894 The London Gazette, Issue 26504 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Gloucester House, April 14, 1894. HIS Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge has been pleased to appoint Major-General Albert Williams, R.A., to be an Extra Equerry to His Royal HighneeS. Education Depa…