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Pre-emption Offers to Shareholders

Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 The Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, hereby gives notice that he has made an Order u…

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Petitions to Transfer Business

In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division Companies Court.  No 3567 of 2003 In the Matter of ECCLESIASTICAL INSURANCE OFFICE plc and In the Matter of ALLCHURCHES LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED and In the…

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Offshore Combustion Installations

THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS HAMARS NESS FERRY TERMINAL, FETLAR Notice is hereby given that Shetland Islands Council, in accordance with the requirements of the Environme…

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Offshore Combustion Installations

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SCOTLAND) REGULATION 1999 Notice Under Regulation 13 Proposed development to install three 2.0MW wind turbines standing on 78m towers with 80m blade (rotor) diameter a…

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