Publication Date 7 April 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21540 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED AT THE QUEEN'S LEVEE AT ST. JAMES'S-PALACE. The Noblemen and Gentlemen, who purpose to attend Her Majesty's Levee, at St. James's- Palace, are requested to bring with them t…
Publication Date 4 April 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21539 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Page 1 . 21539. 1055 The London Gazette. TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1854. AT the Court at Buckingham-Palace, the 29th And whereas it has been represented to us, by day of March,, 1854. the said dean and chapte…
Publication Date 31 March 1854 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 6373 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item regarded the Holy Place*;' the otter, that his Mission wonld be of a Conciliatory character. In both respects Her" Majesty's just expectations were disappointed. Demands were made which, in the opinio…
Publication Date 31 March 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21538 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item leading from Denbigh to Halkin; on the south, by a line passing along the middle of the said road from Denbigh to Halkin in an. easterly direction, until it reaches the district of Rhes-y-Cae and pari…
Publication Date 29 March 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21537 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item AT the Court at Buckingham-Palace, the 29th day ot March, 1854, PRESENT, The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. IT is this day ordered by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Counc…
Publication Date 28 March 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21535 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item ^7a THEREAS a Petition of John Martin, formerly of the VV Midland Arms, Nelson-street, Litchurch, in the county of Derby, Beer House Keeper, Mail Contractor, and Fly Keeper, and late and now of Wellin…
Publication Date 28 March 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21536 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item jects in their relations to their Sovereign the Sultan. These demands were rejected by the spontaneous decision of the Sublime Porte. Two assurances had been given to Her Majesty; one, that the Missio…
Publication Date 28 March 1854 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 6372 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item WBCTEHALt,, March 9,1854. The Qneen has been pleased to give and grant unto Samuel-Thomas .Gully/, -Clerk, JRector of Berrynarbor, in the - county of Devon, in the Commission of the Peace for the said…
Publication Date 24 March 1854 The London Gazette, Issue 21534 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item "and promoting the building of additional " churches in populous parishes," and in the third section of an Act, passed in the session of Parliament held in the second and third years of Her Majesty's …
Publication Date 24 March 1854 The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 6371 Share this Link to this item Share this item to Facebook Share this item to LinkedIn Tweet this item Google+ this item Page 1 6371 241 TheEdinbnrglLGazette. fig £Tuth0rity. FRIDAY, MARCH 244 1854, &ORB CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, WHITEHALL, MarchStf, 1854. March. 10>. 1854. The Queen has been pleased, to present the oPiJ'.C…