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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

ACCESSION DAY PRAYERS The King has been pleased by Royal Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual dated 17th September 2022 to alter prayers to be used annually on the anniversary of the date of Accession…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The late Queen was pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 5th September 2022 to re-appoint Julia Catherine Grant, to be a Forestry Commissioner for a further period of two years co…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The King has been pleased by Royal Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual dated 20 September 2022 to appoint Sir Mark Peter Rowley, Kt, QPM., as Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, in accordance wi…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The late Queen was pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 5th September 2022 to re-appoint Sir David Edward John Ramsden, Knight, C.B.E., as Deputy Governor for Markets and Banking…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The Queen has been pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 13 July 2022 to re-appoint Anne Margaret Glover, C.B.E., to be a non-executive director for the Bank of England for a furt…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The Queen has been pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 11 July 2022 to re-appoint Neil Beagrie, to be a member of the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wal…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The Queen has been pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 17 June 2022 to appoint Sir Robert William Chote, Knight, to be Chairman of the Statistics Board (otherwise known as the U…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

LORD HIGH COMMISSIONER THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT The Queen has been pleased by Warrant under Her Majesty’s Royal Sign Manual bearing the date 17 May 2022 to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

LORD HIGH COMMISSIONER THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT The Queen has been pleased by Warrant under Her Majesty’s Royal Sign Manual bearing the date 17 May 2022 to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the…

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Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

The Queen has been pleased by Royal Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated 1st June 2022 to appoint Anne Theresa Kavanagh, to be a Crown Estate Commissioner for a period of four years commencing on…

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