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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: South Hetton Workmen’s Social Club and Institute Limited (Register No. 5459 R ) the registered office of which is at Front Street, South Hetton, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. The grounds of…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: Specialist Vegetable Producers Limited (Register No. 26716 R ) the registered office of which is at Southfield, Main Road, Redbourne, GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire, DN21 4QR. The grounds of…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: St George Conservative Club Limited (Register No. 24355 R ) the registered office of which is at 4-6 Clouds Hill Road, St. George, BRISTOL, BS5 7LA. The grounds of the cancellation are t…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: St Mauritius Housing Association Limited (Register No. 26184 R ) the registered office of which is at Philpot Square, Peterborough Road, LONDON, SW6 3HQ. The grounds of the cancellation…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: The Burn Valley Social Club Limited (Register No. 28974 R ) the registered office of which is at 20-22 Stockton Road, HARTLEPOOL, Cleveland, TS25 1RL. The grounds of the cancellation are…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: The Gorton Villa Social Club and Institute Limited (Register No. 29115 R ) the registered office of which is at 34 Gortonvilla Walk West, West Gorton, MANCHESTER, M12 5ES. The grounds of…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: Tweed Street Housing Co-operative Limited (Register No. 22988 R ) the registered office of which is at 3 Hubert Place, LANCASTER, LA1 5PF. The grounds of the cancellation are that the so…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: United Services, Ryton and District Club and Institute Limited (Register No. 8074 R ) the registered office of which is at Main Street, Crawcrook, RYTON, Tyne and Wear, NE40 4ND. The gro…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: Uniun Enterprise Trust Limited (Register No. 29329 R ) the registered office of which is at Union Depot, Front Street, Pegswood, MORPETH, Northumberland, NE61 6UF. The grounds of the can…

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Industrial and Provident Societies

Society name: Upton Village Royal British Legion (Club) Limited (Register No. 29284 R ) the registered office of which is at Legion Hall, Salacre Lane, WIRRAL, Merseyside, CH49 0TW. The grounds of the…

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