Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

DOWELL, Terence Edward, of and carrying on business in partnership with another as a Road Sweep Contractor, under the style of T & S Roadsweepers, from 102 Kelsterton Road, Connahs Quay, Deeside, Flin…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

FOXLEE, John Clifford, Candlemaker, of Warren Cottage, Pantyhwyn Road, Cilcain, Mold, Flintshire, lately carrying on business as a Candle Manufacturer under the style of Celmi Candles from The Worksho…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

GILL, Charanjit Singh, unemployed, of 30 Henconner Avenue, Leeds LS7 3NW, formerly trading in Partnership with others at 23 Church Street, Penny Hill Centre, Leeds LS10 2PE, as Newsagents and at both…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

GILL, Jagdev Singh, unemployed, of 30 Henconner Avenue, Leeds LS7 3NW, formerly trading in Partnership with others at 23 Church Street, Penny Hill Centre, Leeds LS10 2PE, as Newsagents and at both 220…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

PRICE, Brian Stephen, unemployed, of 3 Buxton Close, Bloxwich, Walsall WS3 3RD, lately carrying on business in Partnership with another under the style Car & Commercial Spares, from Units 2-3, Field R…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

RAI, Indira Saran, unemployed, of 76 c Mayfair Avenue, Ilford, Essex IG1 3DQ, lately of 59 Frederick Place, Woolwich, London SE18 7BH, and lately carrying on business with another at 59 Woolwich New R…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

REEDMAN, Michael Anthony, Driver of 35 Quarry Avenue, Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8GW, lately carrying on business as MAR Alarms and as Regal Alarms at 35 Quarry Avenue, Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8GW, and p…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

TITCHNER, John Joseph, of and carrying on business on his own account as a Van Driver and Furniture Restorer from Littleton Old Hall, Little Heath Lane, Littleton, Chester, Cheshire, previously carryi…

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