Insolvency notices

3161981 - 3161990 of 3162293 notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

SHANN, William, unemployed, residing at and previously carrying on business from 85 Crowhill Avenue, Cleethorpes, in the county of North East Lincolnshire, as a Self-employed Welder. Court—GREAT GRIMS…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

STURDY, Martin Phillip, (described in the Bankruptcy Order as Mr. Malcolm P. Sturdy), Joiner, residing at 80 Blackburn Avenue, Brough, East Yorkshire HU15 2BD, and formerly trading from that address a…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

SWIFT, Dean William, residing at Squirrel Corner, Longmans Lane, Cottingham HU16 4EA, and carrying on business under the style Dean Swift Specialist Cars, from Brooklands House, Springfield Way, Anlab…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

WATKINS, Adrian, Machine Operator, lately a Self-employed Carpenter, of 5 Norton Avenue, Putson, Hereford HR2 6DN, and lately residing at 41 Southbank, Whitestone, Hereford HR1 3SQ, both in the county…

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Orders Annulling, Revoking or Rescinding Orders

PEDLER, Jennifer, of 43 Shaws Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall, West Midlands, and trading at 278 Walsall Road, Great Wyrley, Walsall, West Midlands, as a Newsagent, as Mrs. A. Burke, lately of 168 Walsall…

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