Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

BARTLETT, Gordon Christopher John, General Builder, of 116 Desborough Road, St. Judes, Plymouth, and carrying on business under the style of GB & PM Construction from the same address. Court—PLYMOUTH.

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

DOWNING, Christopher, of 39 Chatsworth Road, Kilburn, London N.W.2, formerly of 93 a Harley Street, London W.1., currently unemployed, previously a Company Director. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. o…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

EDWARDS, Tina June, also known as Tina June Garnham, a housewife of 102 Moy Avenue, Eastbourne, lately of 72 Astair Avenue, Eastbourne, formerly of 89 Firle Road, Eastbourne, all in East Sussex. Court…

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