Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

AMIRTHALINGAM, Iyathurai, unemployed, of 73 Muirkirk Road, Catford, London SE6 1BJ, lately of 28 a Sunninghill Road, Lewisham, London SE13 7SS, lately trading as Morley’s Fried Chicken from 68 Westow…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

HARRIS, John Hobbis, unemployed, residing care of 45 Tiverton Street, Cleethorpes DN35 7PP, in the county of North East Lincolnshire, lately a Projects Manager residing at 58 Swann Way, Broadbridge He…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

KEVERNE, Andrew Scott (described in the Bankruptcy Order as Scott Keverne), Builder, of 2 Sunshine Cottage, Kehelland, Camborne, lately trading in partnership with another under the style of Cornwall…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

RICHARDS, Michael Charles (described in the Bankruptcy Order as Mike Richards), of 9 Magor Avenue, Troon, Camborne, lately trading in partnership with another under the style of Cornwall Glazing Servi…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

SCHOFIELD, Stuart, unemployed, residing c/o The Red Lion, 34 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 5UA, lately a Barman residing at The Brisley Bell, Brisley, Norfolk, formerly residing at and carrying on bus…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

HICKMAN, Donald John, unemployed, of 37 Prospect Road, Birchington, Margate, Kent, formerly trading as a Greengrocer under the style “G Rose Fruiterers”, at 17 New Street, Margate, Kent. Court—CANTERB…

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