Insolvency notices

3166791 - 3166800 of 3169375 notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

TAYLOR, Paul Anthony, Construction Worker, of 43 Aquamarine Drive, Red Soles Road, Fartown, Huddersfield HD2 1BG, lately of 302 a Bradford Road, Fartown, Huddersfield, and formerly of and trading at 5…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

WHITE, Derrick James, of 2 Ferrers Court, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire NN10 8JX, lately residing at 66 The High Street, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. Court—NORTHAMPTON. No. of Matter—316 of 19…

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Notice of Intended Dividends

MICHAEL ANDREW ROWE   Lately carrying on business under the style of Travellers Garage, as a Panel Beater, from the Travellers Inn, Wentworth Road, Blackerhill, Barnsley. Notice is hereby given that i…

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