Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

CHALK, David Charles, of and carrying on business as a Taxi Driver, from 3 Faversham Close, Kirby Frith, Leicester LE3 6UP, lately residing at 12 Lynwood Court, Stoughton Road, Leicester, and lately e…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

CUMMINGS, Roy, unemployed, of 357 The Green, lately a Second Hand Furniture Dealer, carrying on business as Decoroy, at Stand 300, Bygone Times, both in Eccleston, Chorley, Lancashire. Court—PRESTON.

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

DAVIES, Martin Nicholas, Salesman, of 12 Rendel Street, lately residing at 181 b Accrington Road, lately carrying on business in partnership as Jarvis Pies, at 181 Accrington Road, and the Country Mai…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

ESSAM, Michael Frederick John, of 10 Osborne Crescent, Gosport, formerly trading in partnership with another as Essam & Voar Trailer Services, from Unit D, Fort Wallington Industrial Estate, Fareham,…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

SALES, Christine, lately known as Christine Swift, Shop Assistant, of 83 Woodhead Road, lately residing at 25 Springbank Croft, both in Holmfirth, in the county of West Yorkshire, and lately carrying…

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