Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

ALLEN, David John, unemployed, of Flat 1, Bryn Llewelyn, High Street, Tywyn, Gwynedd, lately carrying on business as a Computer Hardware Dealer, under the style of Cadfan Wells Computers, from an offi…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

GOODWIN, Nicholas Charles, a Sales Manager, of 40 Amberley Road, Patchway, South Gloucestershire BS12 6BY, lately trading at the above address and 109 Glenfrome Road, Eastville, City of Bristol BS2 9U…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

HEAL, Ian Andrew, unemployed, of 7 Hoad Terrace, Ulverston, lately a Shoe Retailer, carrying on business as Peter Heal and formerly carrying on business with others under the same style both at 5 King…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

LUSH, Christopher Robert, of Burtle Cottage, Burtle, Somerset TA7 8NB, a Quality and Computer Systems Manager, lately trading as a Manufacturer of Cardboard Boxes and Supplier of Packaging Materials,…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

NORMAN, Hugh Alexander, of 15 Hay Street, Marshfield, near Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 8NL, a Solicitor, formerly trading as Hugh Norman & Co., from 24 Lower Ashley Road, St. Agnes, Bristol, and from 5…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

OLIVER, Alyson, a Solicitor, of 16 Collingwood Close, Horley, Surrey RH6 9LH, lately residing at 1 St. Hilda’s Close, Horley, Surrey RH6 9BA, lately trading as a Solicitor with others, as Read and Rog…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

PAYNE, John Martin, of and trading at Odelle Cottage, 26 Buccleuch Street, Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria LA15 8BE, as a Singer, lately residing and lately trading at 99 Roose Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cum…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

TUCKER, Kevin Paul, unemployed, of 2 Barnstable Walk, Knowle West, Bristol BS13 8PP, lately residing at 68 Somerdale Avenue, Knowle, Bristol BS4 1AE, and lately trading as New and Used Nursery, a Vend…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

WOODS, Geoffrey John, unemployed, of 47 Dulverton Drive, Furzton, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, formerly trading in Partnership with another as “The Zone”, at Christchurch Road, Baglan Moors, Port T…

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