Insolvency notices

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

ALI, Christopher, a Barman, of Flat 6, 31 Newsham Drive, Liverpool L7 0LQ, and previously trading in partnership with another at The Lister Hotel, 26-28 a Prescot Road, Liverpool, Merseyside, as a Pub…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

ATHERTON, Andrew Staveley, a Labourer, lately an Electrical Contractor, carrying on business under the style of A1 Electrical Services, residing at 39 Sherbuttgate Road North, Pocklington YO4 2ER, in…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

BALDRY, Paul, a Deliveryman, of 22 Outgaits Lane, Hunmanby YO14 0PX, lately residing at 66 Constable Road, Hunmanby, both in North Yorkshire, and trading as a Dairyman. Court—SCARBOROUGH. No. of Matte…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

GROVER, Penelope Anne, unemployed, residing at and lately carrying on business in partnership with another as Retailers of Fragrance Oils, under the style of Yorkshire Fragrance Company, from 64 Westw…

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Amendment of Title of Proceedings

HENWOOD, John Charles, a Part-time Driver, of 60 North Marine Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, lately residing at 38 Prospect Mount Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Court—SCARBOROUGH. No. of Mat…

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