Bankruptcy Orders (Partnerships)
James Dominic Byron & Valerie Sandra Elliott
James Dominic Byron, unemployed, and Valerie Sandra Elliott, a Care Giver both of Apartment 6, 145 Highfield Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 2BX, and both lately carrying on business as The Rose & Crown Hotel, of 57 The Village, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 7PL, a Public House
In the County Court at Birkenhead
No 38 of 2016
Date of Filing Petition: 30 March 2016
Bankruptcy order date: 30 March 2016
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 11:02
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's PetitionDebtor's
Related case: Valerie Sandra ElliottCounty Court at BirkenheadRelated case: James Dominic ByronCounty Court at BirkenheadN Bebbington2nd Floor, Rosebrae Court, Woodside Ferry Approach, Birkenhead, CH41 6DU, telephone: 0151 666 0220
Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee
30 March 2016