Road Traffic Acts

Tower HamletsE1 0HJ51.513273-0.042973Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Traffic Management Act 20042024-07-25TSO (The Stationery Office),

London Borough of Tower Hamlets


1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets on 25th July 2024 made the above-mentioned Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004 (as amended)

2. The general effect of these proposals is as follows:

PTO – 2202 Minor Waiting and Parking Places amendments

a) To introduce Permit bay by removing single yellow line on:

i) Leven Road – (i) northside opp 1/22 Acme Studios of 3 spaces.

b) To introduce Permit holder bays by removing double yellow lines on

i) Leven Road – (a) northside opp no.236 by 2 spaces, (b) northside opp no.144/146 by 3 spaces.

c) To introduce Shared use (Permit & Payment parking) bay by removing single yellow line on:

i) Leven Road – (a) os no.64 by 3 spaces, (b) westside jct with Lochnagar Street by 13 spaces, (c) eastside jct with Lochnagar Street by 4 spaces, (d) eastside jct with Lochnagar Street by 3 spaces, (e) Westside os acme studios by 4 spaces, iii) Ettrick Street - (a) northside os St Nicholas Church by 3 spaces, (b) southside opp St Nicholas Church by 2 spaces

d) Extend the existing Resident bays by removing the single yellow line on:

i) Leven Road - northside os Torquay Court by 2 spaces, ii) Oban Street – westside os 260 merge permit bays by 2 spaces, iii) Aberfeldy Street – os no. 75 for 2 spaces

e) Extend the existing Resident bays by removing the double yellow lines on:

i) Blair Street – (a) northside opp Peppercorn Court by 2 spaces, (b) northside opp 45/50 by 3 spaces ii) Dee Street – (a) northside opp church by 3 spaces, (b) southside os Culloden Primary School by 3 spaces, iii) Leven Road – southside os 142 3 spaces.

f) Introduce Resident parking bay by removing double yellow lines on:

i) Blair Street – southside os 45/50 for 5 spaces, iii) Leven Road – (a) northside os Torquay Court for 2 spaces, (b) southside os no. 204 for 20 spaces, (c) southside os games court for 6 spaces, (d) eastside opp 177 for 5 spaces.

g) Introduce Resident parking bay by removing single yellow line on:

(i) Leven Road – southside os 1/22 Acme Studios of 3 spaces, (ii) Dee Street – (a) os no. 30 by 3 spaces, (b) os no. 55 by 2 spaces (c) os Aberfeldy Centre by 6 spaces.

h) Extend existing Permit bay by removing double yellow lines:

i) Darnaway Place – os no. 195 by 3 spaces

i) Extend existing Shared use (Permit holder & Payment parking) by removing single yellow line:

(i) Leven Road – (a) opp no. 50 Atelier Court by 2 spaces, (b) opp Acme studios by 2 spaces.

j) Introduce a Goods Loading bay – by removing double yellow line:

i) Leven Road – opp Games Court by 10m.

k) Introduce Shared use (Permit & Payment parking bays) by removing double yellow lines on:

i) Lanrick Road – (a) westside opp Drumvaich House for 3 spaces, (b) os Buchany House for 7 vehicles spaces, (c) os no. 4/34 for 20 spaces, (d) os no. Doune House for 4 spaces.

PTO 2203 - Minor Waiting and Parking Places amendments:

a) Yeo Street - southside os Caspian Wharf convert 6m of Double yellow lines to a General Loading Bay to operate during ‘zone B’ CPZ times with 20 mins max stay and no return within 2 hours in Yeo Street.

b) Millennium Drive - (i) os Lyndhurst Lodge convert existing 2 spaces Car Club bay TH0811 to Residents Permit Holders Bay (ii) os Fawley lodge convert existing 2 Residents Permit Bay spaces to Car Club Bay TH0811.

c) Convert the Single Yellow Lines into Double Yellow Lines on:

(i) Beccles Street - (on both sides), (ii) Greenfield Road - (westside) os no.77 for 25m. (iv) Imperial Street -westside jct with south kerb line of imperial Street by 34m. (v) Imperial Street -eastside jct Hancock Street by 19m. (vi) Imperial Street - northside from os petrol pump toward east kerb for 74m. (vii) Campbell Road - eastside opp 105/165 by 110m. (viii) Campbell Road - eastside jct with Swaton Road by 20m. (ix) Harford Street - eastside os 95/105 by 94m. (x) Globe Road – eastside between Roman Road to Cephas Street by 437m.

d) Gill Street - eastside os no. 3 convert 10m of existing Single Yellow lines To Goods Loading Bay to operate during ‘zone C4’ CPZ times with 20 mins max stay and no return within 2 hours.

e) Franklin Street - northside os no. 3 convert I space of 6m of residents permit bay to Double Yellow Lines.

f) Imperial Street - northside os petrol pump exit towards north/east kerb for 33m convert Single Yellow line to Double yellow lines with no loading restrictions at any time.

g) Imperial Street - eastside os of petrol pump convert 11m of Single Yellow Line to 2 vehicles Multi bay from 15m of north kerb of Imperial Street.

h) Thomas More Street - westside os Cormorant House convert existing Permit Holders bay for 3 spaces to Double yellow lines with No Loading Restriction at any time.

i) Thomas More Street - westside jct with East Smithfield to os no. 1/96 for 170m. upgrade Double Yellow Lines with No Loading at any time.

j) Thomas More Street - eastside jct with East Smithfield to jct with Newsham Street for 96m. upgrade Double Yellow Lines with No Loading at any time.

k) Cuba Street - Northside os Anchorage Point reduce existing multi bay by 1m from west end and change bay to Good Loading with 20minutes waiting and no return within 2 hours to operate At Any Time.

l) Violet Road - eastside os no. 26/30 convert existing 3 vehicles Residents Permit Bay to Double Yellow Lines.

m) Violet Road - eastside os no. 1/24 convert existing 10m. Double Yellow Lines to Residents Permit Bay.

n) Napier Avenue – westside os no.1/42 Brunel House convert existing 2 vehicles Car Club Bay no. TH0803 to Double Yellow Lines.

o) Violet Road – East Kerb opp no. 2/14 convert existing 6m of Double Yellow lines and 5m of existing Permit Holders bay to 11m of 2 vehicles Car Club Bay no. TH0803.

PTO 2204 - Minor Waiting and Parking Places amendments:

a) Convert the Single Yellow Lines into Double Yellow Lines on: (i) East Ferry Road - Both kerb jct with Roffey St. (ii) Christian Street - South Side from jct with Commercial to north kerb line of Fairclough Street for 114m. (iii) Burslem Street - North Kerb os Dowler House for 68m. (iv) Old Bethnal Green Road - southside os no. 122 for 20m. (v) Poyser Street (a) east side jct with Old Bethnal Green Road southward for 121m. (b) eastside from 4m. jct with east arm of Poyser street for 12m. (vi) Campbell Road - westside junction with Rounton Road by 10m. (vii) Rounton Road - south side junction with Campbell Road by 10m. (viii) Baythorne Street - (a) North kerb opp St Luke primary school for 39m. (b) southwest kerb os St Luke Primary School for 18m. (c) southeast kerb os Whytlaw House for 22m.

b) To Convert Single yellow line to Double yellow lines with No Loading At Any Time on (i) Fieldgate Street- (a) southside jct with Settles Street west side for 31m. (b) southside jct with Settles Street east side for 23m. (c) southside jct with Parfett Street west side for 31m. (d) southside jct with Parfett Street east side for 14m. (ii) Campbell Road – westside outside MOT garage for 10m. (iii) Ettrick Street – both sides jct with Aberfeldy Street by 10m. (iv) Ettrick Street os and opp no.16 by 6.5m.

c) Leyden Street - west kerb os 9 convert 4m of existing Permit bay to Double Yellow Lines.

d) Gowers Walk - east kerb outside Chandlery House change Doctors Bay D2 times from Mon-Fri 8am-8pm to Mon-Sun 8am - 8pm.

e) Cavell Street - eastside os no. 60 existing Business Bay from 2 vehicles (11m) to 4 vehicles (21m).

f) Burslem Street - northside outside Dowler House convert existing Disable bay to Double Yellow lines.

g) To upgrade Double Yellow Lines to No Loading ‘at any time’ on (i) Roffey Street – (a) northside jct with East Ferry Road for 30m. (b) southside jct with East Ferry Road for 8m. (ii) Aste Street - westside jct with Roffey Street for 12m. (iii) Vaughen Way- eastside jct with Asher way towards north for 89m. (iv) Ettrick Street – westside jct with Abbott Road by 8m. (v) Ettrick Street – eastside jct with Abbott Road by 11m.

h) Havering Street - westside os no. 3 convert existing General Disable bay to Residents permit bay.

i) Havering Street -northside os Sims House convert existing permit bay by I vehicle space from west end to General Disable bay at any time.

j) Old Bethnal Green - south side os 118 convert existing single yellow line to 4 vehicles Multi Bay.

k) Poyser Street - eastside from 16m jct with east arm of Poyser Street for 6m Business Bay.

l) St Jude’s Road – eastside os Apollo House convert 27.5m of single yellow line to 5 spaces Multi Bay

m) St Jude’s Road - eastside os Stephen Hawking School convert 22m of single yellow line to 4 spaces Permit Bay

n) Campbell Road – westside 10m jct with Rounton Road convert existing 16m single yellow line to 3 vehicles permit bay.

o) Campbell Road – eastside os Angel House convert existing 1 vehicle permit bay to Double Yellow lines.

Change Personalised Disable Bays to Residents Permit Holders Bays: (i) Duckett Street – os no 133 Santa Maria Court PDB no. 696. (ii) Antill Road os 168 PDB no. 480. (iii) Selsey Street - os no 21/42 PDB no. 233. (iv) Edgar Road - os no. 1 PDB no. 320. (v) Hind Grove – os no. 174/186 PDB no. 148

p) Glaucus Street - os no.36 PDB no. 678 convert Personalised Disable bay to Permit bay.

q) Westport Street - os no.13/39 PDB no. 558 convert Personalised Disable bay to Multi bay.

3. The Regulations, fees and usual exemptions imposed by the governing Traffic Management Orders would apply to the proposals referred to in paragraph 2 above.

4. A copy of copy of the Orders, which will come into operation on 25th July 2024 and all relevant documents can be obtained by writing to; Parking & Mobility Services, 585-593 Commercial Road, London E1 0HJ or by emailing until the end of six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made.

5. Any person wishing to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or that any relevant requirements thereof or any regulations made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks of the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court

Dated: 25th July 2024