Control of Pollution

South LanarkshireControl of Pollution Act 1974CONTROL OF POLLUTION ACT 1974-4.22476155.768929G74 5PP2005-03-082005-01-25G745PPTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Control of Pollution

Scottish Environment Protection Agency



Notice is hereby given, in accordance with section 36(1)(a) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974, that the following applications for consent to discharge have been made to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency by Scottish Water:

Ref. No. WPC/W/72087 Waste Water Treatment Works, Peninver, by Campbeltown

a)  Treated sewage effluent up to a maximum discharge volume of 55.44 cubic metres per day to Ardnacross Bay, Kintyre at National Grid Reference NR 7629 2493 from a septic tank serving 154 persons at Peninver, by Campbeltown.

b)  Screened sewage effluent consisting of all flows in excess of the pass forward flow of 3.08 litres per second up to a maximum flow of 36.4 litres per second, to Ardnacross Bay, Kintyre at National Grid Reference NR 7611 2493 from a storm overflow at a proposed waste water treatment works at Peninver, by Campbeltown.

c)  Screened sewage effluent up to a maximum flow of 36.4 litres per second, to Ardnacross Bay, Kintyre at National Grid Reference NR 7611 2493 from an emergency overflow at a proposed waste water treatment works at Peninver, by Campbeltown.

The following points should be noted:

1.  The sewage system will be designed to ensure that a discharge of sewage effluent from any emergency overflow will occur only in the event of an electrical power failure, rising main failure or blockage of the downstream sewer.

2.  The sewerage system will be designed to limit the occurrence of a discharge of storm sewage effluent from any combined sewer overflow to storm events and only after the storage capacity provided in the sewerage system has been exhausted.

Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications should do so in writing to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, SEPA, 5 Redwood Crescent, Peel Park, East Kilbride G74 5PP, not later than 8 March 2005, quoting the reference number.

Copies of the applications may be inspected free of charge at the above offices of SEPA and by prior arrangement with the SEPA Argyll Office at 2 Smithy Lane, Lochgilphead (Tel No 01546 602876). Copies will also be available at Peninver and Campbeltown Post Offices.

Director of Operations