Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984The London Borough of Hackney-0.09010951.528250EC1V 1NR1998-05-111998-04-09EC1V1NRNew Roads and Street Works Act 1991Local Government Act 1985Road Traffic Act 1991Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Act 1986TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Hackney (Parking Places) (No. 1) Expermental Order 1998

Notice is hereby given that the Council of the London Borough of Hackney on 9th April 1998, propose to make the above-mentioned Order under sections 9, 45, 46, 49, and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Local Government Act 1985, the Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Act 1986, the Road Traffic Act 1991, and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.   The general effect of the proposed Order, which comes into force on 11th May 1998, is to create a new experimental Order which will regulate the existing parking arrangements within the controlled zone. The proposed Order will make provision for on-street parking with the following effect:    Location of 2 hour meters and pay and display machines

Appleby Street 1 bay
Bridport Place 1 bay
Clunbury Street 2 bays
Cremer Street 1 bay
Crondall Street 1 bay
Dawson Street 1 bay
Falkirk Street 1 bay
Geffrye Street 1 bay
Hackney Road 6 bays
How’s Street 2 bays
Hoxton Street 1 bay
Kent Street 1 bay
Mintern Street 1 bay
Northport Street 1 bay
Orsman Road 1 bay
Pearson Street 1 bay
Phillip Street 2 bays
Queensbridge Road 1 bay
Rushton Street 1 bay
Scawfell Street 1 bay
Stanway Street 1 bay
Thurtle Street 2 bays
Union Walk 1 bay
Weymouth Terrace 1 bay
Whiston Road 4 bays
Whitmore Road 1 bay
   Location of 4 hour meters and pay and display machines
Falkirk Street 2 bays
Hemsworth Street 1 bay
Hoxton Street 3 bays
Laburnum Street 2 bays
Mill Row 1 bay
Purcell Street 2 bays
   Location of Resident Permit Parking
Appleby Street 3 bays
Aske Street 3 bays
Avebury Street 2 bays
Bridport Place 3 bays
Buckland Street 2 bays
Cherbury Street 2 bays
Crondall Street 3 bays
Dawson Street 2 bays
Drysdale Street 1 bay
Dunloe Street 5 bays
Falkirk Street 1 bay
Fanshaw Street 4 bays
Geffrye Street 1 bay
Grange Street 1 bay
Halcomb Street 2 bays
Hare Walk 1 bay
Harvey Street 1 bay
Hemsworth Street 2 bays
How’s Street 6 bays
Imber Street 1 bay
Ivy Street 3 bays
Jerrold Street 1 bay
Kent Street 6 bays
Laburnum Street 11 bays
Mill Row 3 bays
Mintern Street 9 bays
Pearson Street 2 bays
Penn Street 1 bay
Phillip Street 9 bays
Pitfield Street 6 bays
Poole Street 2 bays
Purcell Street 5 bays
Queensbridge Road 2 bays
Rushton Street 1 bay
Scawfell Street 2 bays
Shenfield Street 2 bays
Stanway Street 5 bays
Thurtle Road 7 bays
Weymouth Terrace 8 bays
Whiston Road 10 bays
Whitmore Road 3 bays
Wilmer Gardens 1 bay
Wiltshire Row 1 bay
   Location of Shared Use Permit Parking
Branch Place 7 bays
Bridport Place 3 bays
Buckland Street 6 bays
Cherbury Street 2 bays
Clunbury Street 1 bay
Cremer Street 2 bays
Dawson Street 2 bays
Dunloe Street 6 bays
Fanshaw Street 5 bays
Felton Street 2 bays
Geffrye Street 5 bays
Gopsall Street 2 bays
Gorsuch Street 2 bays
Haggerston Road 1 bay
Hare Walk 1 bay
Hemsworth Street 3 bays
Homefield Street 2 bays
How’s Street 1 bay
Hoxton Street 13 bays
Hyde Road 1 bay
Imber Street 1bay
Laburnum Street 5 bays
Long Street 9 bays
Mill Row 1 bay
Mintern Street 1 bay
Northport Street 1 bay
Orsman Road 9 bays
Ormsby Street 2 bays
Pearson Street 3 bays
Penn Street 3 bays
Phillip Street 2 bays
Pitfield Street 1 bay
Poole Street 2 bays
Regan Way 4 bays
Rushton Street 1 bay
Scawfell Street 3 bays
Stanway Street 5 bays
Thurtle Road 1 bay
Union Walk 2 bays
Waterson Street 2 bays
Whiston Road 4 bays
Whitmore Road 1 bay
  The hours of operation will be 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, with the exception of Bank Holidays. The charge for parking is £0.60 per hour, the charge for a Business Permit £150 per annum, and for a Residents Permit £30 per annum.   Copies of the propose Order, a map indicating the effect and location of the Order, and the council’s statement of reasons for making the Order, are available for inspection during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, in the reception area, Directorate of Environmental Services, London Borough of Hackney, Eagle House, 161 City Road, London EC1V 1NR, for a period of 28 days from the date this notice is published.   If the provisions of the Order continue in operation for a period of not less than 6 months, the London Borough of Hackney will consider in due course whether the provisions of the Order shall be reproduced and continued in force indefinitely by means of an Order under section 6 of the said Act of 1984, as amended by section 8 of and Part 1 of Schedule 5 of the Local Government Act 1985. Any person desiring to object to the making of the Order under section 6 of the said Act of 1984, may within a period of 6 months send a statement in writing of their objections and the grounds thereof to the Service Manager (Land Use and Transportation), Directorate of Regulatory Services, 161 City Road, London EC1V 1NR.   In pursuance of section 10(2) of the said Act 1984, the Service Manager (Land Use and Transportation) of the London Borough of Hackney, or some person authorised in that behalf of him, may if it appears to him or that person, essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient or safe movement of traffic or the preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by the Order runs may amend or suspend the Order or any provisions thereof.   Any person who wishes to object or make any other representation in relation to the proposed Order must do so in writing, specifying the grounds for the objection, to the Director of Environmental Services, London Borough of Hackney, Eagle House, 161 City Road, London EC1V 1NR, within 28 days from the date this notice is published. J. Palmer, Service Manager (Land Use and Transportation) 9th April 1998.