Appointment of Trustees

2000-10-262000-11-06TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the Blackpool County Court.  No. 206 of 1996


I, Rosalind Mary Hilton, of Adcrofts, 7-9 Wilkinson Avenue, Blackpool, hereby give notice that at a Meeting of Creditors, held on Thursday, 26th October 2000, the resignation of Peter Adcroft as Trustee of the above-named Bankrupt’s estate, due to his ceasing to act as a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, was accepted. At the same Meeting I was duly appointed Trustee of the Bankrupt’s estate. R. M. Hilton 26th October 2000.