Changes of Name
Notice is now given that by a Deed Poll dated 24 April 2002, and enrolled in the Central
Office of the Supreme Court, on 17 May 2002, Caroline Ann Appleby, of 12 Hospital
Lane, Boston, in the county of Lincolnshire, the mother of EMILY JADE APPLEBY, formerly
known as Emily Jade Appleby-Loveday, of 12 Hospital Lane, Boston, in the county of
Lincolnshire aforesaid, a minor and British subject by the birth under the British
Nationality Act 1981 section 1(i) abandoned on behalf of the said Emily Jade Appleby
the surname of APPLEBY-LOVEDAY and assumed in lieu, the surname of Appleby.
Morley Brown & Co, 2 Main Ridge West, Boston, Lincolnshire,Solicitors for Caroline Ann Appleby.
15 May 2002.