2113331 has publication date 24/04/2014 00:00:01 has notice code 2503 has notice number 2113331 has page number 8306 has notice ID 2113331 publisher TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk type BankruptcyOrderNotice Notice alternate of 2041020 has provenance provenance has anchor 2113331 is about notifiableThing date of appointment 16/04/2014 date petition filed 16/04/2014 date of bankruptcy order 16/04/2014 10:55:00 type of petition Debtor's email BirminghamB.OR@insolvency.gsi.gov.uk phone number 0121 698 4000 postal code MK109DT MK109PS postcode MK10 9DT lat 52.034301 long -0.699019 label MK10 9DT msg0 administrative area The Borough of Milton Keynes label The Borough of Milton Keynes MK10 9PS lat 52.035673 long -0.710934 label MK10 9PS msg0 administrative area The Borough of Milton Keynes label The Borough of Milton Keynes related date 24/04/2014 16/04/2014 27/06/1980 type BankruptcyOrder NotifiableThing has court case courtCase case year 2014 case number 59 has court court court name Milton Keynes County Court type Court type CourtCase has official receiver administrator-1-PersonName-1 family name Taylor initials J name J Taylor adr The Insolvency Service, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, BIRMINGHAM, B4 6FD extended address Cannon House BIRMINGHAM 18 The Priory Queensway label The Insolvency Service, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, BIRMINGHAM, B4 6FD postal code B4 6FD B46FD street address The Insolvency Service postcode B46FD type Address type Agent has primary IP IP1 person person-1 date of birth 27/06/1980 has person details IRINE MANO, also known as IRINE RUFURWOKUDA, LECTURER of 3 Farringdon Street, Monkston Park, Milton Keynes MK10 9PS, lately residing at 6 Easby Grove, Monkston, Milton Keynes MK10 9DT and formerly c/o PO Box 790, Milton Keynes. family name Mano first name Irine name Mano Irine has address 3 Farringdon Street, Monkston Park, MILTON KEYNES, MK10 9PS extended address MILTON KEYNES Monkston Park label 3 Farringdon Street, Monkston Park, MILTON KEYNES, MK10 9PS postal code MK10 9PS MK109PS street address 3 Farringdon Street postcode MK10 9PS lat 52.035673 long -0.710934 label MK10 9PS msg0 administrative area The Borough of Milton Keynes label The Borough of Milton Keynes type Address type Person is in issue 60849 same as 2041020