
Succession to the Crown: from Charles II to Charles III

Succession to the Crown: from Charles II to Charles III

Succession to the Crown is essential reading for anyone with a keen interest in the British royal family and provides an excellent and trusted source of information for historians, researchers and academics alike. The book takes you on a journey exploring the coronations, honours and emblems of the British monarchy, from the demise of King Charles II in 1685, through to the accession of King Charles III, as recorded in The London Gazette.

Publishing date:
2nd May 2023
Paperback £25.00 + postage, eBook £25.00
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Personalised commemorative editions

The Gazette is available to buy as a personalised edition. Whether it is for your own achievement, or to mark the achievement of someone special, The Gazette’s commemorative editions make a wonderful keepsake.

Each pack is beautifully presented and contains a complete replica edition of The Gazette from the day that the award was published.

The Gazette’s Personal Parchment or Certificate of Record is the perfect gift for someone who has received an award, ensuring a special memento of their achievement.

The World War One pack makes a unique present for someone looking to commemorate a relative who received an award in WW1.

Deluxe presentation pack - World War One

Deluxe presentation pack - World War One

A linen-textured folder containing a customised Certificate of Record printed on embossed paper, and a replica edition of The Gazette from the day of publication of the award. The folder contains a pocket, ideal to store additional papers or memorabilia. Examples of the awards you may wish to commemorate are the Victoria Cross, Military Cross, Mentioned in Despatches or citation for a gallantry award.

£90.00 + VAT, including postage
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Deluxe presentation pack - Personal Parchment

Deluxe presentation pack - Personal Parchment

A linen-textured folder containing a personalised cover, encasing a ribbon-tied, high quality parchment paper replica edition of The Gazette from the day of publication of the achievement. Examples of the awards you may wish to commemorate are Mentioned in Despatches, citation for a gallantry award, Companion of Honour, MBE or CBE.

£95.00 including postage
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Deluxe presentation pack - Certificate of Record

Deluxe presentation pack - Certificate of Record

A linen-textured folder containing a personal Certificate of Record, printed on embossed paper, which is ideal for framing, and a replica edition of The Gazette from the day of publication of the achievement. Examples of the awards you may wish to commemorate are an Order of St John, or a manorial title, as well as any other individual achievements, such as Points of Light.

£90.00 + VAT, including postage
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World War One special editions

The following World War One supplements are now available to buy as special replica editions. Printed and stitched on high quality cream paper, these special editions document important events and battles during the first World War.

State of War

State of War

Replica of the Supplement to The London Gazette 28861. First published on 5th August 1914. ‘His Majesty's Government have accordingly formally notified the German Government that a state of war exists between the two countries, as from 11 p.m. to-day’

£4.25 including postage
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Sir John French’s 4th Despatch – 1st Battle Ypres

Sir John French’s 4th Despatch – 1st Battle Ypres

Replica of the Second Supplement to The London Gazette 28989. First published 27th November 1914. ‘That this delicate operation was carried out successfully is in great measure due to the excellent feeling which exists between the French and British Armies’

£6.00 including postage
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Sir John French’s 7th Despatch – Battle of Neuve Chapelle

Sir John French’s 7th Despatch – Battle of Neuve Chapelle

Replica of the Supplement to The London Gazette 29128. First published 14th April 1915. ‘The event of chief interest and importance which has taken place is the victory achieved over the enemy at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, which was fought on the 10th, 11th and 12th of March.’

£6.00 including postage
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Sir John French‘s 9th Despatch – Battle of Loos

Sir John French‘s 9th Despatch – Battle of Loos

Replica of the Fourth Supplement to The London Gazette 29347. First Published 1st November 1915. ‘A gallant defence was made by troops of the 3rd Cavalry Division and 1st Indian Cavalry Division, and our position was maintained throughout’

£6.00 including postage
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Sir Ian Hamilton’s 1st Gallipoli Despatch

Sir Ian Hamilton’s 1st Gallipoli Despatch

Replica of the Third Supplement to The London Gazette 29217. First published 6th July 1915. ‘Altogether the result of this and subsequent reconnaissances was to convince me that nothing but a thorough and systematic scheme for flinging the whole of the troops under my command very rapidly ashore could be expected to meet with success’

£6.00 including postage
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Gazette research service


We can help you to find what you’re looking for with the Gazette research service.
Just send us a few details via a short PDF form, and our team of experts will complete a systematic search of our archives and indexes.

Once we have found details of the record of the individual or company in question, we’ll send you a detailed and personalised results document in the form of a pdf.

Find out more or use this PDF form to submit your details.


1 individual/company name £30.00
2-5 individual/company names £24.00 per name
6-10 individual/company names £20.00 per name