Place an insolvency notice

Which insolvency notices can I place with The Gazette?

The following insolvency web forms are available for notice submission:

(London, Edinburgh and Belfast)

  • Winding up by the court:

Creditors’ voluntary winding up:

(London and Belfast only)

Personal insolvency:

(London only)

Creditors’ voluntary winding up:

How do I place an insolvency notice via web form?

Once you are ready to place a notice, create an account or sign in, and go to ‘Place a notice’ from the ‘My Gazette’ dropdown. Complete the appropriate web form.

How do I place other insolvency notices?

A wider range of insolvency notices can be submitted via XML. This submission route will require adherence to The Gazette schema, details of which are contained within the Gazette developer documentation.

Alternatively you can place a notice by email or post to the relevant Gazette edition that you wish to place the notice in.

Further information for insolvency notice submission

See our price list to find the cost of placing a notice.

A comprehensive, self-serve guide on how to submit and publish notices via web form, XML or Excel template directly through can be viewed here.

For more information, email or call +44 (0)333 200 2434, 8am to 6pm (BST/GMT), Monday to Friday.

Submission of a notice will be taken as acceptance of our terms and conditions.

Place an insolvency notice