Service of the Order of the British Empire
To mark the centenary of its institution, a service of the Order of the British Empire will take place at St Paul’s Cathedral at 11am on Wednesday 24 May 2017.
If you belong to the Order, or are a holder of the British Empire Medal, you can apply by sending your full name, address, telephone number, appointment (GBE, KBE, DBE, CBE, OBE, MBE, BEM) and other decorations in block capitals as soon as possible to:
The Registrar, Order of the British Empire, Central Chancery, St James’s Palace, London SW1A 1BH
Alternatively, you can submit your request online.
No tickets are available for spouses, partners or guests who are not members or medallists of the Order due to the size of the Order and the limited seating capacity in St Paul’s Cathedral. Those who are still awaiting their investiture are welcome to apply. If the service is oversubscribed, a ballot will be held.
For more information, see
Pictured: St Paul's Cathedral, Chapel of the Order of the British Empire, formerly the Chapel of St Faith / Alamy