Coast protection (1804) is this notice?

  • Advertises a draft Coast Protection Order or Scheme.Advertises a Coast Protection Order or Scheme
  • Advertises a draft order prohibiting the excavation of materials on and under the seashore without an appropriate licence
  • Advertises an order prohibiting the excavation of materials on and under the seashore without an appropriate licence
  • Advertises an emergency interim order prohibiting the excavation of materials on and under the seashore without an appropriate licence
  • Advertises the proposal to make a designation order under the Act
  • Advertises authorisation of a licence held by a body corporate which abstracts or diverts water from any waterway and uses it as may be necessary for the purposes of operating a generating station wholly or mainly driven by water in Scotland

What legislation does it relate to?

  • Coast Protection Act 1949 (Sch. I, Pt. I, S.1)
  • Coast Protection Act 1949 (Sch. I, Pt. III, S.6)
  • Coast Protection Act 1949 (Sch. II, Pt. I, S.1)
  • Coast Protection Act 1949  (Sch. II, Pt. I, S.9)
  • Coast Protection Act 1949  (Sch. II, Pt. II, S.12)
  • Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (Pt. IV, S.83 (2))
  • Electricity Act 1989 (Sch. V, S.9)

Who places this notice?

  • Secretary of State for the Environment
  • Coast Protection Authority
  • Agency or Council
  • The applicant

Where can I find these notices?

Notice 1804

Further information