Coronavirus (Powers relating to potentially infectious persons) (1703)
What is this notice?
- Advertises where the Secretary of State has declared an area outside of the UK to be infected with coronavirus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Advertises where the Secretary of State has made or revoked a declaration invoking powers that will slow the transmission of coronavirus in England and Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Advertises where the Scottish Ministers have made or revoked a declaration invoking powers that will slow the transmission of coronavirus in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Advertises where the Welsh Ministers have made or revoked a declaration invoking powers that will slow the transmission of coronavirus in Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Advertises where the Department of Health have made or revoked a declaration invoking powers that will slow the transmission of coronavirus in Northern Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What legislation does it relate to?
- Coronavirus Act 2020 (Sch. 21, Pt. I, Para. 2 (3)(b))
- Coronavirus Act 2020 (Sch. 21, Pt. II, Para. 4 (3)(b))
- Coronavirus Act 2020 (Sch. 21, Pt. III, Para. 25 (3)(b))
- Coronavirus Act 2020 (Sch. 21, Pt. IV, Para. 48 (3))
- Coronavirus Act 2020 (Sch. 21, Pt. V, Para. 69 (3)(b))
Who places this notice?
- Secretary of State
- The Scottish Ministers
- The Welsh Ministers
- Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Where can I find these notices on The Gazette website?
Further information