What notices were placed in The Gazette in 2024?
A total of 356,639 notices were placed in The Gazette in 2024. From deceased estates to zoo licensing, we look at the official public notices placed in The Gazette last year.
How many notices were published in The Gazette in 2024?
In 2024, The Gazette published 356,639 notices by registered and verified persons acting in an official capacity. These included:
- 96,285 Corporate insolvency notices
- 18,315 Personal insolvency notices
- 40,567 Deceased estates notices
- 173 Unclaimed estates notices
- 3,567 Changes of name notices
Other state and public sector notices included:
- 62 Marriage acts notices
- 45 Scottish Parliament notices
- 3 Royal household appointments notices
- 2,325 Road traffic acts notices
- 118 Proclamations notices
- 5 Zoo licencing notices
- 9 Medicines notices
How many honours were awarded in the King’s Birthday and New Year Honours lists in 2024?
There were 2,280 individuals appointed in the King’s Birthday Honours and New Year Honours lists in 2024. Appointments were given for services to:
- Military Veterans
- The NHS
- Faith
- Libraries
- Road Safety
- Golf
- Forestry
- Music
- Girlguiding
How many UK companies were incorporated in 2024?
There were 796,659 companies incorporated in 2024, including the incorporation of these business types:
- 3,686 Taxi operation
- 1,086 Scaffold erection
- 189 Manufacture of beer
- 188 Manufacture of professional and arcade games and toys
- 85 Archives activities
- 69 Manufacture of musical instruments
- 65 Raising of dairy cattle
Why place official notices in The Gazette?
The Gazette provides a permanent, official public record of important statutory and non-statutory notices that can be used to support legal and other processes, and act as a means of advertising public notices.
There are various reasons as to why notices are placed in The Gazette, depending on the notice itself. For example, placing a deceased estates notice in The Gazette ensures that sufficient effort has been made to locate creditors before distributing an estate to beneficiaries. This protects the executor (or trustee) from being liable for claims from unidentified creditors.
Many other notices are required to be placed in The Gazette by law, as they provide the public with accessible and verifiable official records.
How do I place a notice in The Gazette?
If you wish to place a notice in The Gazette online, and you are authorised to do so, you will need to create an account. During this process, additional checks may be carried out to ensure that you are authorised to place the notice. Once your account has been approved, you can only place notices that you are authorised to place.
There are various methods available for notice submission, and the most appropriate method for you will depend on the type and quantity of notices you wish to place.
Find out more about placing notices in The Gazette below or contact our customer services team by emailing customer.services@thegazette.co.uk or by telephoning +44 (0)333 200 2434.
Placing notices in The Gazette
See also
Notice codes for all Gazette notices
Place a deceased estates notice
Publication date
15 January 2025