Dismissal of Winding Up Petition

BoltonCity of DerbyWindsor and MaidenheadBL3 6PD53.566793-2.431652DE24 8HG52.917017-1.446272SL4 5GD51.485661-0.639614Insolvency Act 19862023-03-242023-04-282023-05-102023-07-14TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk440000364115

In the High Court of Justice

(Business and Property Courts of England and Wales) Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) No CR-2023-001496 of 2023

In the Matter of AIY LIMITED

(Company Number 10919902)

and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986

A Petition to wind up the above-named Company, AIY Limited (10919902), of Abbey & Co Associates, Abbey House, 270-272 Lever Street, Bolton, United Kingdom, BL3 6PD presented on 24 March 2023 by British Gas Trading Limited t/a Centrica Business Solutions of MILLSTREAM MAIDENHEAD ROAD, WINDSOR, BERKSHIRE, SL4 5GD, Creditors of the Company, was advertised in The London Gazette on 28 April 2023 and heard at the High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts of England and Wales Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) on 10 May 2023.

The Petition was dismissed by the court on 10 May 2023.

The Petitioner’s solicitors are Flint Bishop LLP Pinnacle Building, 2 Prospect Place, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8HG, email: mzwandile.mabhena@flintbishop.co.uk, telephone 01332 947 752. (Ref M0268764/MM)