Amendment of Title of Proceedings
Nijjar, Anita Kaur
25 Beach Avenue, BILSTON, West Midlands, WV14 9BS
Birth details: 19 September 1978
ANITA KAUR NIJJAR - a TEACHING ASSISTANT of 25 Beach Avenue, Woodcross, Wolverhampton WV14 9BS and lately residing at 31 Mason Street, Blakehall, Wolverhampton WV2 3AG.
Also known as: ANITA KAUR NIJJAR - a TEACHING ASSISTANT of 25 Beach Avenue, Woodcross, Wolverhampton WV14 9BS.
In the Wolverhampton County Court
No 28 of 2014
Bankruptcy order date: 3 March 2014
J Taylor The Insolvency Service, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, BIRMINGHAM, B4 6FD, telephone: 0121 698 4000, email:
Capacity of office holder(s): Official Receiver
Date of Appointment: 3 March 2014