Town and Country Planning
Wrexham Power Limited
- 1 Notice is hereby given that Wrexham Power Limited (“WPL”) of Sir Stanley Clarke House, 7 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham, B21 1AF, intends to apply to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 to authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of Wrexham Energy Centre, which is a gas fired power station complex consisting of a electricity generation plant and ancillary equipment and an integral gas connection to be located at Wrexham Industrial Estate (“WIE”), Wrexham (the “Project”). WPL is a joint venture between St. Modwen and Glenfinnan Properties established with the intention of promoting the Project. Both companies have extensive experience in the development and economic regeneration of sites throughout the UK, including experience in the energy sector.
- 2 The power station complex will be located within the WIE and will cover an area of approximately 4Ha. The integral gas connection goes outside the WIE for approximately 3km in order to connect into the National Transmission System (“NTS”) near the Maelor Gas Works at Talwrn.
- 3 The proposed DCO would, among other matters, licence and authorise the construction
operation and maintenance of the Project comprising:
- a a combined cycle gas turbine power station complex, with a total capacity not exceeding
299MWe, comprising:
- i up to three gas turbines and one steam turbine, each connected to its own generator;
- ii up to two exhaust gas flue stacks, each up to 50m in height;
- iii an administration building and office, workshop, store, control room, up to two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (“HRSG”), air cooled or hybrid cooling equipment, heat interface building for the future provision of CHP, gas turbine building and steam turbine building;
- iv a fire water tank and demineralised water storage tank;
- v security infrastructure including perimeter fencing, gatehouse and CCTV equipment;
- vi internal roadways, car parking, pedestrian network, cycle parking and hardstanding for planned maintenance;
- vii site vehicular access utilising the existing access onto Bryn Lane;
- viii an onsite switchyard containing up to four transformers and other plant required to manage the distribution of electricity.
- b an integral gas connection comprising:
- i a pipeline connection up to approximately 3km in length in order to import natural gas from the NTS, located 2.5km south of the power station complex near the Maelor Gas Works at Talwrn, to the power station complex. The route would cross under Oak Road and the River Clywedog.
- ii an above ground installation (“AGI”) and compound within the Maelor Gas Works, Talwrn, adjacent to the NTS connection point comprising:
- a a combined cycle gas turbine power station complex, with a total capacity not exceeding
299MWe, comprising:
- 1 full Bore manually operated valve with pressure equalizing bypass line;
- 2 an additional full bore isolation valve and intermediate vent valve;
- 3 a gas meter to measure the gas flow rate;
- 4 galvanic isolation between the NTS and the new gas connection;
- 5 a section of isolated pipe suitable for the insertion of a PIG inspection device;
- 6 security fencing (with an expected maximum height of 2.5 metres) with gated access;
- 7 civil works including drainage.
iii. a natural gas receiving station and compound within the power station complex consisting of:
- 1 full bore 450 NB manually and remotely actuated isolation valves;
- 2 bypass valves and isolation valves to enable the main isolation valves to be inspected without disturbing the gas flow;
- 3 a filter to remove gas contaminants;
- 4 liquid removing centrifuge;
- 5 gas Compression, 2 x 100% compressors (max rating circa 3000 kWe);
- 6 a gas meter;
- 7 non-return and relief valves;
- 8 instrument Kiosks;
- 9 a section of isolated pipe suitable for receiving a PIG inspection device;
- 10 lighting;
- 11 security fencing to control access within the power station complex.
c. Temporary construction compound(s) for the power station complex and integral gas connection.
d. If required, tree and hedge removal along the gas connection route.
e. If required, replacement and compensatory planting, landscaping and if required, ecological mitigation.
f. If required, the temporary stopping up of public footpath(s) during the construction works.
g. If required, temporary and permanent changes to the highway network for the Project.
h. If required, the overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the Project.
i. If required, the compulsory acquisition of land and/or rights for the Project.
j. The application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Project as may be required.
k. Such ancillary, incidental and consequential works, provisions, permits, consents, waivers or releases as are necessary and/or convenient for the successful construction, operation and maintenance of the Project.
4. Due to the nature and scale of the Project, WPL is undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) and the Project is classified as EIA development under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009. The proposed application for a DCO will be accompanied by an Environmental Statement (“ES”). The ES will provide a detailed description of the Project and its likely significant environmental effects. To assist the compilation of the ES, WPL issued a request for a Scoping Opinion under Regulation 8 of the EIA Regulations from the Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) in March 2014, accompanied by a Scoping Report. PINS issued a Scoping Opinion in May 2014. Copies of both of these reports can be found on our website,
5. In accordance with Regulation 10 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009, WPL has prepared a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR). The PEIR comprises the latest preliminary assessment available from the EIA process as to the likely significant effects of the Project. This is being published in order to inform public consultation in respect of the construction, operation and maintenance of the Project. It does not provide the complete assessment which will be reported in the ES and submitted as part of the submission of the DCO application for the Project. The PEIR and the non-technical summary of the PEIR will be available to view or download from the project website,, from 14 July 2014, as well as being available in hard copy at the locations and times set out below.
6. Documents, plans and maps showing the nature and the location of the Project will be available for viewing free of charge from 14 July 2014 until 24 August 2014 at the following locations:
Isycoed Village Hall, Isycoed, Bowling Bank, LL13 9RN - 3pm to 8pm, Monday 21 July 2014
Marchwiel Village Hall, Piercy Avenue, Marchwiel, LL13 0RH - 3pm to 8pm,Tuesday 22 July 2014
The Atrium Suite, Redwither Tower, Redwither Business Park, LL13 9XT - 3pm to 8pm, Wednesday 23 July 2014
7. The same documents will also be available for viewing at public exhibitions which will be held by WPL at the following locations and times:
Contact Wrexham, 16 Lord Street, Wrexham, LL11 1LG - 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday
Redwither Tower, Redwither Business Park, LL13 9XT - 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
8. All the above documents can be viewed or downloaded free of charge from the project website, A reasonable copying charge may apply, up to a maximum of £250, for a hard copy of the full suite of documents referred to above with a £10 charge for an electronic copy on CD. Copies of individual documents are available on request and may also be subject to a reasonable copying charge. These documents can be obtained by writing to Wrexham Energy Centre, Local Dialogue LLP, FREEPOST NAT3717, London, SE1 2BR.
9. If you wish to respond to this notice, or make representations in respect of the Project, these should be sent to WPL. Please include your name and an address where correspondence can be sent. Your responses may be made public, subject to data protection laws and will be analysed by WPL and its appointed agents. Representations can be made via:
A freepost address for written responses: Wrexham Power Limited, Local Dialogue, FREEPOST NAT3717, London, SE1 2BR
A Freephone project information line staffed between 9am and 5pm: 0800 319 6185
A project email address:
Feedback forms which will be available at public events
An online comment form hosted at
10. The deadline for receipt by WPL for all responses is 5pm on 24 August 2014 and we therefore invite responses on or before this date.
4 July 2014