Recall of Sequestration
Petition for Recall of Sequestration SQ176/14
Nagmhana Chaudhry
Notice is hereby given that on 30th June 2015 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff at Glasgow by Naghmana Chaudry residing at 1353 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, G41 3RG for recall of her sequestration; in which Petition for Recall of Sequestration the Sheriff at Glasgow by Interlocutor dated 30th June 2015 appointed all persons claiming an interest to lodge Answers with the Sheriff Clerk at the Sheriff Court House, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow, G5 9DA within fourteen days of intimation, service and advertisement; all of which Notice is hereby given.
Fiona I Moore
Drummond Miller LLP
Glenorchy House
20 Union Street
Agents for Reubens, Solicitors, Lochgilphead
For the Petitioner
Tel: 0131 226 5151
Fax: 0131 225 2608