Annulment of Proceedings
-2.99286253.409401L3 9LQThe City of Liverpool2016-02-242016-02-232015-09-302016-03-16TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Hugh Derek Knowles
Of 13 Rathmore Close, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 2LP
Property Investor
In the County Court at Birkenhead
No 148 of 2015
Bankruptcy order date: 30th September 2015
Date of annulment: 23rd February 2016Grounds of annulment: The Bankruptcy Debts and Expenses of the Bankruptcy have all been either paid in full or secured to the satisfaction of the CourtD Bannon, Morecrofts Solicitors LLP, Cotton Exchange, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9LQ.Telephone: 0151 236 8871 Email:
24 February 2016