Annulment of Proceedings

-0.11172251.517053WC2A 1ALThe City and County of the City of LondonThe City of WestminsterThe London Borough of Camden-0.13094951.498773SW1P 2HT2017-02-212016-09-131948-09-242017-02-272017-02-23-0.19081951.560772NW3 7QBTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Griffiths, William Robert

25 Southampton Buildings, (central court), LONDON, WC2A 1AL

Birth details: 24 September 1948

William Robert Griffiths, a barrister, of 6 Rosecroft Avenue, LONDON, NW3 7QB

In the High Court Of Justice

No 530 of 2016

Bankruptcy order date: 13 September 2016

Date of annulment: 21 February 2017Grounds of annulment: The bankruptcy debts and the expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid in full or recovered to the satisfaction of the Court.

A Hannon 2nd Floor, 4 Abbey Orchard Street, London, SW1P 2HT, telephone: 020 7637 1110

Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee

21 February 2017