Bankruptcy Orders (Partnerships)
Graham Stuart Charles
Edward Robert Bonnor Unemployed of 4 Warblington Lodge, The Gardens, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2XH and Graham Stuart Charles Unemployed of 4 Warblington Lodge, The Gardens, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2XH and both previously trading as Phoenix Trading at Unit 2, Bosham Walk, Bosham Lane, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8HX - The separate estate of Graham Stuart Charles
In the County Court at Portsmouth
No 62 of 2017
Date of Filing Petition: 3 October 2017
Bankruptcy order date: 3 October 2017
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 11:35
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's PetitionDebtor's
G Rogers 5th floor, Northgate House, 21-23 Valpy Street, READING, RG1 1AF, telephone: 0118 958 1931
Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee
3 October 2017