
Petroleum Act 19982018-01-052018-01-152017-01-312018-01-192018-03-09TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk29854028032



Pursuant to regulations 6(11) and 6(12) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State gives notice of the following decision(s), in respect of application(s) made under regulation 6 of the above Regulations requesting a direction confirming that a relevant project need not be accompanied by an environmental statement and confirming the Secretary of State’s agreement to the grant of consent.

Reference Operator Project Name Quad/Block Direction Issued
DRA/519 Maersk Oil North Sea Ltd Culzean Well 22/25a-C4 22/25a 19/01/2018
Main reasons/conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to discharges to the marine environment, atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea. Chemical use and discharge assessed as no risk to marine environment and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features/measures Oil-based mud cuttings thermally treated to reduce oil content prior to discharge. No bunkering during hours of darkness. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the risk of accidental spills
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/Block Direction Issued
DRA/527 Chevron North Sea Ltd Alba Northern Platform Well 16/26a-S07 16/26a 31/01/2017
Main reasons/conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations were discharges to the marine environment and atmospheric emissions. Chemical use and discharge assessed as no risk to marine environment, and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features/measures Oil-based mud cuttings shipped to shore for treatment and recycling, i.e. zero discharge. Appropriate control will be in place to reduce the risk of accidental spills.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/Block Direction Issued
DRA/531 Nexen Petroleum U.K. Ltd Scott Well ST-52 15/22 15/01/2018
Main reasons/conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to discharges to the marine environment, atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea. Chemical use and discharge assessed as no risk to marine environment and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features/measures Oil-based mud cuttings injected into donor well. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the risk of accidental spills.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/Block Direction Issued
PLA/398 ENI UK Ltd. Clipper South Gas Export Pipeline PL4367 48/19 02/02/18
Main reasons/conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations were installation of infrastructure on the seabed and associated deposit of protective materials, and interference with other users of the sea.
Mitigation features/measures Pipeline system will be trenched and buried to prevent interference, and protective material deposits will be the minimum required to achieve objectives. All infrastructure and deposits will be designed to be over-trawlable. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/Block Direction Issued
PLA/493 ENI Hewett Limited Pipeline PL1173 stabilisation operations 48/29A 05/01/2018
Main reasons/conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations were installation of infrastructure on the seabed and associated deposit of protective materials, and interference with other users of the sea. Impacts were localised and not significant.
Mitigation features/measures All deposits will be the minimum required to achieve objectives, and designed to prevent unnecessary interference with other sea users. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.

Having regard to the relevant application(s) for direction(s) submitted under the above Regulations, the Secretary of State has assessed the project(s) as not likely to have a significant effect on the environment, and has given a direction that the application for consent under the Petroleum Act 1998 need not be accompanied by an environmental statement. The main reasons and considerations on which this decision is based are summarised above, and have taken full account of the characteristics of the project, the environmental sensitivity of the areas likely to be affected by the project and the nature and significance of the potential impacts, as set out in Schedule 1 to the Regulations.


Pursuant to regulation 5(10) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State gives notice that, having regard to the matters set out in regulations 5(2) and/or 5(2A) and Schedule 1 to the Regulations, the Secretary of State has decided that the operations in respect of which consent is sought would not be likely to have a significant effect on the environment and accordingly no environmental statement need be prepared in respect of the relevant project.

Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block
EX-01-2018 BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd Schiehallion Pipeline PL1849 Dropped Object Protection 204/20
EX-02-2018 BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd Miller Pipeline PL1971 Spool Removal 16/07
EX-03-2018 EnQuest Heather Ltd Kraken North Production Consent Renewal (no increase) 9/2b

Further information in relation to all of the decisions detailed in this notice can be found on the GOV.UK website at:


If you have any questions in relation to this notice or the decisions, please contact the Environmental Management Team, Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED), AB1 Building, Crimon Place, Aberdeen AB10 1BJ (e-mail: emt@beis.gov.uk).