Town and Country Planning

City of EdinburghEH10 4EZ55.936036-3.203752EH10 5BT55.929844-3.226607EH1 1JX55.948131-3.193495EH1 1PB55.950473-3.189131EH1 2DP55.948508-3.205500EH1 2EX55.948512-3.193074EH1 2HE55.948525-3.193555EH1 3PY55.956785-3.192416EH1 3RZ55.958804-3.189915EH14 1AU55.926250-3.231950EH15 1AH55.953406-3.114719EH15 1LT55.951370-3.117255EH16 5NS55.928333-3.170351EH17 8RB55.904314-3.135909EH3 5QB55.967611-3.210916EH3 5QH55.967526-3.205851EH3 6LR55.957224-3.198131EH3 6RB55.957941-3.201997EH3 7RN55.951300-3.213994EH3 7TT55.952394-3.212379EH3 9GH55.944008-3.192439EH3 9LW55.941371-3.201228EH3 9NB55.942044-3.204051EH4 1HN55.959095-3.210731EH4 6JJ55.965837-3.288320EH6 8BR55.968451-3.166660EH6 8NR55.967582-3.173988EH6 8NY55.966151-3.175178EH7 4AA55.958452-3.183546EH8 8BG55.951866-3.183473EH9 2HW55.927892-3.1910472019-08-132019-08-16TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

The City Of Edinburgh Council



Applications, plans and other documents submitted may be examined at Planning & Building Standards front counter, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday & 8:30-3:40 on Friday. Written comments may be made quoting the application number to the Head of Planning & Building Standards within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. You can view, track & comment on planning applications online at The application may have been subject to a pre-application consultation process & comments may have been made to the applicant prior to the application being submitted. Notwithstanding this, persons wishing to make representations in respect of the application should do so as above.

David R Leslie

Chief Planning Officer


19/03180/FUL BF 27 Northumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6LR Alterations with single storey extension to rear; Replace existing single glazing with slimlite double glazing in existing timber windows; Replace front entrance door and increase height of existing garage.

19/03180/LBC BF 27 Northumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6LR Internal and external alterations with single storey extension to rear; Replace existing single glazing with slimlite double glazing in existing timber windows; Replace front entrance door and increase height of existing garage.

19/03313/FUL 22 Inverleith Place Edinburgh EH3 5QB Erection of a timber fence and trellis, (in retrospect).

19/03343/FUL 16 Raeburn Place Edinburgh EH4 1HN Change of use from Estate Agents (Class 2) to Artisan Cafe (Class 3).

19/03413/FUL 235 237 Leith Walk Edinburgh EH6 8NY The proposal is for the following: 1. A change of use from Shops (Class 1) to Food and Drink (Class 3) to allow for the additional seating proposed for the new Turkish Restaurant.

2. External removal of security shutters, sun awning and signage and redecoration of external shop front with new ironmongery to existing doors.

19/03525/FUL Seven Acre Park Play Area Stanedykehead Edinburgh To construct a steel framed shed to provide indoor equestrian facility.

19/03568/FUL 75 Newtoft Street Edinburgh EH17 8RB Paint the exterior wall of my property in order to cover up cracks and plaster. The colour 1) A45OOV and 2) Z2182P.

19/03583/LBC 26 Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5QH Stone cleaning and replacement and repairing damaged stone.

19/03624/LBC 3F2 15 Leven Terrace Edinburgh EH3 9LW Internal alterations with flue on the wall to install a boiler in this house. We plan to drill a 4-inch hole on the wall with a core cutting machine by a specialist. The flue terminal showing outside will be black plastic but the flue itself is made of an outer metal case and an internal plastic tube.

19/03638/LBC 32 Cockburn Street Edinburgh EH1 1PB The application is only to update the external paint colour.

No change in use: Charity drop-in, information provision.

19/03641/FUL 175-177 Leith Walk Edinburgh EH6 8NR Reinstatement of previously infilled door opening to provide new external escape door.

19/03643/FUL 10 Cumberland Street South West Lane Edinburgh EH3 6RB Convert existing garage to bedroom.

19/03644/FUL 103 Broughton Street Edinburgh EH1 3RZ New garden pod to rear.

19/03647/LBC St Mark's Church 7A Castle Terrace Edinburgh EH1 2DP To request consent to replace the two existing modern wooden church notice boxes at the front of the building with electronic display screens (for static information display). The screens would be wooden-cased and in the style of the existing boxes.

19/03649/LBC GF 13 Albany Street Edinburgh EH1 3PY Construction of a garage facing onto Dublin Street Lane South with garden room below. Existing sloped garden to be terraced to provide a more accessible and usable garden space.

19/03650/LBC 42 Brighton Place Edinburgh EH15 1LT Restore the existing sash window cases, manufacture a complete like for like sash using the same dimensions, moulds and astragal widths. The sashes will be upgraded from single to double glazed using 'slimlite' 12mm Low E, heritage glass, argon filled double glazed units with warm edge spacer bar.

19/03654/FUL 25 Lockharton Gardens Edinburgh EH14 1AU Extension to lower ground floor; vehicular access to hard standing and electrical charging point in front garden.

19/03655/LBC 25 Lockharton Gardens Edinburgh EH14 1AU Extension and internal alterations at lower ground floor and vehicular access to hard standing and charging point for electric car in front garden.

19/03656/LBC 162 Portobello High Street Edinburgh EH15 1AH Minor refurbishment works.

19/03657/FUL Flat 41 35 Simpson Loan Edinburgh EH3 9GH Proposed garden pod on roof terrace.

19/03659/LBC 1 India Buildings Victoria Street Edinburgh EH1 2EX Replacement of 3 no. windows to incorporate built-in louvres, installation of 2 no. smoke vents, traditional cowl roof vent and cast iron drainage pipes.

19/03660/LBC 11 - 15 Victoria Street Edinburgh EH1 2HE Replacement of 2 no. windows to incorporate built-in louvres and alteration of 1 no. window to lower sill.

19/03662/LBC Flat 18 4 Lochend Road Edinburgh EH6 8BR Upgrade of existing timber sash and case windows.

19/03663/FUL 40 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH10 5BT Further planning application for the renewal of planning permission for the extension to existing hospital to create operating theatres, bedrooms, pharmacy, staff facilities, restaurants, external pedestrian link to lodge/steading, removal and replacement of trees, alterations to existing car park and site access arrangements.

19/03664/LBC 2F 10 Randolph Crescent Edinburgh EH3 7TT Upgrade of the existing timber sash and case windows.

19/03667/LBC 40 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH10 5BT Renewal of listed building consent to extend and alter hospital building and partial demolition of boundary wall.

19/03668/LBC 29 Drumsheugh Gardens Edinburgh EH3 7RN Replacement of 10 No existing windows with new double glazed units.

19/03675/LBC 20 Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1JX Reinstatement of 4 no. openings; 1 no. as a window and 3 no. incorporating louvres, and replacement of 2 no. doors.

19/03677/LBC 21 Elm Row Edinburgh EH7 4AA New signage, repaint shop front, internal refurbishment works.

19/03686/LBC GF1 20 Mortonhall Road Edinburgh EH9 2HW Demolish conservatory and extend flat to east elevation.

19/03690/FUL GF1 20 Mortonhall Road Edinburgh EH9 2HW Demolish conservatory and extend flat to east elevation.

19/03691/FUL 31 Gilmour Road Edinburgh EH16 5NS Alter and extend house to rear elevation.

19/03693/LBC Palmerston Place Church Unit 2 12 Palmerston Place EdinburghEH12 5AA Internal alterations to create a new accessible WC, relocate the existing minister's WC and provide improved storage and workspace in the flower preparation area.

19/03696/FUL Land Adjacent To New Street Edinburgh Section 42 application to remove 2 conditions; 4. Detailed CCTV scheme for development submitted to + approved in writing by Planning Authority + implemented prior to occupation of development. Approved scheme shall be implemented to satisfaction of Planning Authority. 6. A SMS + D&P Stage BREEAM assessments shall be submitted for approval of Planning Authority.

19/03699/FUL 42 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH10 5BT Renewal of planning permission 14/05323/FUL as amended by 15/05452/FUL for the change of use from offices/university use to private healthcare facility, erection of temporary modular theatre, demolition and replacement of existing entrance to lodge/steading and partial demolition of boundary wall to create pedestrian access to adjacent property.

19/03700/LBC 42 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH10 5BT Demolition of existing porch and alterations, internal and external to Lodge/Steading, erection of temporary modular theatre and creation of pedestrian link through boundary wall to adjacent property as previously approved under 14/05329/LBC and amended by 15/01625/LBC and 15/05454/LBC

19/03710/FUL 4 - 8 Lochrin Buildings Edinburgh EH3 9NB Internal alterations to existing restaurant at 4-8 Lochrin Buildings and 66 Home Street to form takeaway at 66 Home Street and erect flue to rear of No.2 Lochrin Buildings and alterations to shopfront.

19/03714/FUL 8A Bruntsfield Crescent Edinburgh EH10 4EZ Erect garden shed.

19/03729/FUL 55 Barnton Avenue Edinburgh EH4 6JJ Proposed pool room.