Final Meetings
(Company Number 00820842)
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sectio 106of the Insolvency Act 1986 that meetings of the members and creditors of the above Company will be held remotely by teleconference on 30 April 2020 at 10.00 am and 10.15 am respectively, for the purpose of receiving an account of the Joint Liquidators’ acts and dealings and the conduct of the winding-up during the period from 5 February 2020 to 30 April 2020.
The following telephone number and call pin number will be required for members and creditors to attend: Telephone number: 033 3202 3230. Pin: 984646.
A member or creditor entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him and such proxy need not also be a member or creditor.
Members and creditors wishing to vote at the respective meetings must lodge their proofs of debt (unless previously submitted) and proxies by email to no later than 12 noon on the business day before the meeting.
Irvin Cohen, Liquidator
26 March 2020
Ag QG123058