Notice of Intended Dividends
In Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation
05376390Registered office: 30 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, West Midlands B3 1QZ
Principal trading address: 12 Belton Road, Silsden BD20 0EE
Notice is given that I, Matthew Douglas Hardy, the Liquidator of the above-named Company, intend declaring a first dividend to the non-preferential Unsecured Creditors within two months of the last date for proving specified below.
Creditors who have not already proved are required, on or before 7 May 2020, the last date for proving, to submit a proof of debt to me at Poppleton & Appleby, 30 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, West Midlands B3 1QZ and, if so requested by me, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to be necessary. A Creditor who has not proved his debt before the date specified above is not entitled to disturb the dividend because he has not participated in it.
Liquidator: Matthew Douglas Hardy (IP No. 9160) of Poppleton & Appleby, 30 St. Paul's Square, Birmingham, West Midlands B3 1QZ.
Date of Appointment: 15 February 2018
For further details contact Sharon Hill on telephone 0121 200 2962, or by email at
Dated: 7 April 2020
Matthew Douglas Hardy , Liquidator