Royal Mail

Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976Interpretation Act 1978Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s. 5Criminal Justice Act 1988Social Security Administration Act 1992Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992Data Protection Act 1998Postal Services Act 2000Postal Services Act 2000, s. 85Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008Postal Services Act 2011National Assistance Act 19482016-04-272017-01-302018-05-252020-04-242020-04-27TSO (The Stationery Office),


27 April 2020  


1. About this Scheme 3
2. What this Scheme applies to 3
3. Definitions 4
4. Our ability to provide services 4
5. What can and cannot be contained within an item 4
Prohibited items 4
Restricted items 7
6. Size & weight limits and how to package an item 18
7. How to address an item 18
8. How to pay for postage and other services 19
9. How to work out how much postage to pay 20
10. How to show that an item has had postage paid 22
11. Other requirements relating to the address on the cover of an item 22
12. How to hand over (or post) an item 23
13. How we will treat items that do not meet the requirements set out in this scheme 24
14. Additional marks 25
15. Delivery including undeliverable and re-posted (Return to Sender) items 25
16. Complaints handling process 28
17. Compensation – what we are liable for 29
What determines compensation payable 31
Claims and evidence 31
Making a claim 35
18. Additional terms & conditions for some services 37
19. First Class, Second Class and delivery confirmation 37
20. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class & Proof of Delivery 38
21. Special Delivery 39
22. Articles for the Blind 42
23. Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign 43
24. Petitions to Parliaments and Assemblies 44
25. Poste Restante 44
26. Items sent between the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man 45
27. Sanctions Laws 45
28. Your information 46
Annex A - Definitions used in this Scheme 47

1. About this Scheme

1.1 This Scheme is a document that sets out the terms & conditions for some1 of the items that we handle. We (Royal Mail Group Ltd) are allowed to set out terms and conditions within a Scheme document by the Postal Services Act 2000 (and more specifically section 89 of that Act as amended by the Postal Services Act 2011 and in particular paragraph 24 of Schedule 12 of that Act).

1.2 Each time we alter the wording within a Scheme it has the effect of making a new Scheme. We publish our Schemes on our website (

1.3 This Scheme is known as ‘The Royal Mail United Kingdom Post Scheme 25 May 2018’ and is referred to in this document as ‘this Scheme’. The date in the title is the date that the Scheme took (or will take) effect. This Scheme replaced the Royal Mail United Kingdom Post Scheme 30th January 2017. That old Scheme is no longer in force.

2. What this Scheme applies to

2.1 This Scheme sets out the terms & conditions for:

2.1.1 the services provided by us to the person, business or organisation asking for the service (you) when we accept items within the United Kingdom for postal delivery to an address in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The terms and conditions for the specific services listed below are contained within this Scheme:

• First Class,

• Second Class,

• Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class

• Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class

• Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm®2 (‘Special Delivery’),

• Articles for the Blind,

• Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign and

• Petitions to Parliament & Assemblies.

All product names offered under this Scheme are shown, in this Scheme, in red text.

2.1.2 the service provided by us to accept an item sent from the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for postal delivery to an address in the United Kingdom.

2.1.3 other services provided by us in connection with those mentioned in 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. Specifically these are:

• Return to Sender,

• Proof of Delivery,

• Poste Restante,

• Redelivery to Post Office, and

• Inflight Delivery Options.

3. Definitions

3.1 You may not be familiar with some of the words or phrases we use in this document. When they are used for the first time, they are shown in bold print and explained in the relevant part of this document or in Annex A.

3.2 As mentioned in 1.3 above this Scheme replaced a previous Scheme so any references in other documents to the previous Scheme that was in force before this Scheme should now be interpreted as referring to this new Scheme.

4. Our ability to provide services

4.1 We will provide the services set out in this Scheme where the relevant terms & conditions contained in this Scheme for the service are complied with. We will provide the services in the manner that we deem to be most appropriate according to our operational requirements and an overarching need to secure the sustainability of the Universal Service.

4.2 We may decide to withdraw the provision of any of the services set out in this Scheme if the terms & conditions contained within this Scheme are not abided by, in the event of misuse or if providing the service may cause us reputational damage.

5. What can and cannot be contained within an item

5.1 There are some items that we cannot carry through our postal network for legal or safety reasons. Items that we cannot carry through our postal network are known as prohibited items. Some other items can only be carried under certain circumstances. These are known as restricted items and details of those are contained after this section on prohibited items.

Prohibited items

5.2 We would like to make it very clear that as we cannot carry prohibited items through our network, we will not accept any liability for any item that contains prohibited items.

5.3 As the list of prohibited items can change from time to time (see 5.3.31), we maintain a full, up-to-date list on our website ( which can be viewed at any time. The list quoted below was correct at the time of publication:

5.3.1 Aerosols containing toxic, flammable or non-flammable compressed gas (including solvents, spray paints, air fresheners, polishes and other flammable or toxic materials),

5.3.2 Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content greater than 70% ABV

5.3.3 Ammunition containing an explosive charge (excluding lead pellets and other airgun and airsoft projectiles)

5.3.4 Batteries that are classified as dangerous goods by the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) including wet spillable lead acid/lead alkaline batteries (such as car batteries), lithium batteries when not sent with or in equipment, damaged batteries of any type, together with used alkaline and nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries,

5.3.5 Clinical and medical waste (e.g. contaminated dressings, bandages and needles),

5.3.6 Controlled drugs and narcotics (such as cannabis, cocaine, and heroin. LSD, opium, and amyl nitrate).

5.3.7 Corrosive substances which can cause severe damage to living tissue, other freight or transport by its chemical action (including dyes, acids, corrosive paint and rust removers, caustic soda, mercury and gallium metal),

5.3.8 Counterfeit currency, bank notes and postage stamps (including any false instrument or copy of a false instrument within the meaning of section 5 of the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981) but excluding copies of old denominations or pre-decimalisation postage stamps which are now obsolete and worthless except for collectable value and cannot be passed as tender. Controlled drugs and narcotics (such as cannabis, cocaine, and heroin. LSD, opium, and amyl nitrate),

5.3.9 Dry ice (UN1845) when used as a coolant for biological substances (UN3373) or for other perishable items

5.3.10 Electronic items containing any batteries exceeding 100Wh (including some high performance laptops and power tools)

5.3.11 Environmental waste (including used batteries and used engine oil),

5.3.12 Explosives (including fireworks, flares, blasting caps, and Christmas cracker snaps),

5.3.13 Flammable liquids (including petroleum, lighter fluid, certain adhesives, solvent based paints, wood varnish, enamels and acetones including nail varnish removers),

5.3.14 Flammable solids (including magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc and fire lighters),

5.3.15 Foreign Lottery tickets,

5.3.16 Frozen water e.g. packs of ice,

5.3.17 Gases including flammable, non-flammable, toxic and compressed gases, new, used and empty gas cylinders, butane, ethane, refills for lighters, fire extinguishers and scuba tanks, life jackets, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide canisters (culinary foaming devices & soda stream gas cylinders),

5.3.18 Goods made in foreign prisons, except those imported for a non- commercial purpose, of a kind not manufactured in the United Kingdom, or those in transit,

5.3.19 Hover boards or any type of rechargeable battery-powered: self- balancing scooter, mono-wheel, stand-up unicycle or electric skateboard,

5.3.20 Human and animal remains including ashes other than as set out at 5.7.12 and 5.7.20 below,

5.3.21 Infectious substances and pathogens (UN2814 or UN2900) as classified in the latest Edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),

5.3.22 Lighters and refills containing flammable liquid or gas (including used butane and petrol cigar and cigarette lighters),

5.3.23 Living animals and reptiles e.g. snakes, mice and rodents,

5.3.24 Live creatures, insects and invertebrates classified as dangerous within the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 e.g. venomous spiders,

5.3.25 Magnetised material with a magnetic field strength of 0.159A/metre or more at a distance of 2.1 metres from the outside of the package e.g. PA systems,

5.3.26 Matches (including safety matches)

5.3.27 Obscene publications and unlawful indecent images (including pornography as detailed in Part 5 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 and indecent photographs or pseudo- photographs of a child as detailed in section 160 and 161 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988,

5.3.28 Oxidising materials or organic peroxides (including disinfectants, nitrates, and hair dyes or colourants containing peroxide),

5.3.29 Pesticides (including weed killer and any chemical used to kill pests and insects, including fly sprays),

5.3.30 Poisons, toxic liquids, solids and gases (including substances that are liable to cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact such as arsenic, beryllium, cyanide, fluorine and rat poison),

5.3.31 Radioactive material and samples that are classified as dangerous goods in the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) such as luminous dials from aircraft,

5.3.32 Paints, wood varnishes and enamels - solvent-based (except nail varnish or nail polish with a volume of 30ml or less when sent to a UK destination)

5.3.33 Waste, dirt, filth or refuse (including household waste). Note - soil samples sent for analysis are permitted provided they are packaged so that any leaks and spills are contained in the outer packaging,

5.3.34 Weapons (including Section 5 firearms, CS gas and pepper sprays, flick knives, and other knives that are banned knives under UK laws, tasers and stun guns).

5.4 It is your responsibility not to send prohibited items in the post. If you are in any doubt you may seek advice from our website (

5.4.1 any item which resembles a prohibited item may be subject to additional scrutiny which may cause delays

5.4.2 any compensation claim for delay as a result of additional scrutiny is subject to the limits set out in Section 17 of the Scheme

5.4.3 failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution resulting in a fine or imprisonment

5.4.4 failure to comply with these conditions could affect your ability to claim compensation

5.4.5 if you post an item that contains a prohibited item we may deal with such item in our sole and absolute discretion (without incurring any liability whatsoever to you or the addressee) including disposing of the relevant item (in whole or in part)

5.4.6 the sender, or their representative, may be required to pay an amount (to be fixed by us) to cover the costs of returning, dealing with or disposing of the item

5.4.7 the sender is responsible for checking whether an item is prohibited.

5.4.8 we reserve the right to refuse any other item banned by law or that in our opinion may be harmful or dangerous to our customers or employees

5.4.9 any article or substance classified as dangerous goods is prohibited (other than specified in Restricted items below)

Restricted items

5.5 There are some items, known as restricted items that we can, for legal or safety reasons, only carry through our postal network provided that you meet all our requirements for the acceptance of the item, including, but not limited to, packaging requirements.

5.6 We will not accept any liability for any item that contains restricted items if the requirements for the acceptance of those items are not met.

5.7 As the list of restricted items and requirements for each can change from time to time (see 5.7.15) we maintain a full, up-to-date list on our website ( (which can be viewed at any time). The list and details quoted below were correct at the time of publication:

5.7.1 Aerosols for personal grooming or medicinal purposes (including deodorants, body sprays, hair sprays, shaving and hair removal creams, medicinal aerosols for prevention or cure such as flea sprays, etc.) Valves must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release of the contents during transport. Aerosols must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging, and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. Volume per item must not exceed 500ml. No more than two aerosols can be sent in any one package. An ID8000 label must be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.2 Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content less than 24% ABV (e.g. wine and champagne) Volume per item should not exceed 1 litre per container, wrap in polythene and seal with tape. Surround with absorbent material such as newspaper and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from breakage. Mark as "FRAGILE" when sending glass bottles. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging

5.7.3 Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content between 24% ABV – 70% ABV (e.g. whisky, vodka, gin) Volume per item should not exceed 1 litre per item. No more than two items to be sent in any one parcel. The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner, such as a sealed polythene bag. Surround with absorbent material and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from breakage. Mark as ‘FRAGILE’ when sending glass bottles. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.4 Asbestos Samples of asbestos may be posted provided the sample is fixed within an inert material such as a glue or resin. Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on he outer packaging.

5.7.5 Balloons filled with non-flammable gas Must be clearly marked on the outer packaging with the words ’BALLOONS FILLED WITH NON-FLAMMABLE GAS’.

5.7.6 Batteries - new alkaline, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium (NiCd) including D, C, 9V, AA, AAA and AAAA alkaline batteries Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.7 Batteries - Lithium ion/polymer batteries sent with equipment (e.g. rechargeable batteries sent with electronic devices including mains powered battery chargers but excluding battery packs) The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the number that may be connected to the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Lithium battery handling label to be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.8 Batteries - lithium ion/polymer batteries contained in equipment (e.g. rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices) Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.9 Batteries - lithium metal/alloy batteries sent with equipment (e.g. non-rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices) The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the minimum number required to power the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Lithium battery handling label to be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.10 Batteries - lithium metal/alloy batteries contained in equipment (e.g. non-rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices) Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.11 Batteries - new wet, non-spillable (e.g. sealed lead acid batteries, absorbed glass mat and gel cell batteries) Batteries must comply with Special Provision 238 of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations (please check with the manufacturer or distributor). No more than one battery in any one package. Maximum weight 1.5kg. Item must be protected against short circuit (by the effective insulation of exposed terminals) and securely packaged. Package must be marked “NOT RESTRICTED” and “SPA67 /SP238”. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.12 Biological substances (Diagnostic specimens including blood urine, faeces and animal remains. Category B (UN3373) as classified in the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)) May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. The total sample volume/mass in any parcel must not exceed 50ml/50g. All biological substances must be posted in packaging that complies with Packaging Instruction 650, which provides guidance on suitable packaging for these items. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.13 Christmas crackers Can only be sent in their made up form in their original retail packaging. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.14 Electronic items sent with new alkaline, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from damage. Wrap each item, including plugs, individually. Place item in a rigid container and cushion to avoid movement. Any equipment sent with batteries or cells must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and must be packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.15 Electronic items sent with new and used lithium ion/polymer batteries (e.g. rechargeable batteries sent with electronic devices including mains powered battery chargers but excluding battery packs) The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the number that may be connected to the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery. Cells and batteries must be cell protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Lithium battery handling label to be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.16 Electronic items sent with new and used lithium ion/polymer batteries contained in the device Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. Watt- hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.17 Electronic items sent with new and used lithium metal/alloy batteries The maximum number of batteries allowed in each package is the minimum number required to power the equipment plus two spares. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. Cells and batteries must be packed in inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit, including protection against contact with conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The equipment sent with cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. Lithium battery handling label to be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.18 Electronic items sent with new and used lithium metal/alloy batteries contained in the device Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery. Cells or batteries that are defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, are forbidden. Cells and batteries must be protected against short circuit. The equipment containing cells or batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging

5.7.19 Guns for sporting use (Guns intended for sporting purposes - including Section 1 and Section 2 firearms, low-powered air guns and their component parts - may be sent in compliance with UK law subject to any applicable controls on the possession of firearms Use First Class as the minimum service. The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer packing.

5.7.20 Human and animal ashes: Volume of human or animal ashes per item must not exceed 50 grams; and Human and animal ashes must be placed in a sift-proof container and securely closed. Items must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.21 Lighters (new and unused empty lighters) Must be new, empty and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. A sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging

5.7.22 Liquids over 1 litre (containing liquids not classified as dangerous goods) Some liquids, such as alcohol or paints, have their own additional restrictions. The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner, such as a sealed polythene bag, so that any inadvertent leakage is contained within the outer packaging Surround with absorbent material such as newspaper and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from damage. Mark as “FRAGILE” when sending glass bottles. The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.23 Live creatures, insects and invertebrates (including bees, caterpillars, cockroaches, crickets, destroyers of noxious pests, earthworms, fish fry and eggs, leeches and other parasites, lugworms, maggots, mealworms, pupae and chrysalides, rag worms, silkworms, spiders and stick insects) Must be boxed and packaged to protect the creatures, our staff and our customers from harm. Use First Class as the minimum service. Items must be clearly marked ‘URGENT – LIVING CREATURES - HANDLE WITH CARE’. The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging

5.7.24 Lottery tickets UK lottery tickets are allowed in the domestic post.

5.7.25 Magnetised materials, other than those that are prohibited (including loud speakers) The magnetised material must have a magnetic field strength of less than 0.159A/m at a distance of 2.1m from the outside of the package Wrap soft packing material at least 2cm thick around each item. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging

5.7.26 Nail varnish and polish Volume per item must not exceed 30ml. No more than four bottles of nail varnish can be sent in any one package. Bottles of nail varnish must be placed in strong outer packaging and be so packed, secured or cushioned in such a way that they cannot break, be punctured or leak their contents into the outer packaging. An ID8000 label must be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.27 Paints, wood stains and enamels - water-based The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak- proof liner, such as a sealed polythene bag, so that any inadvertent leakage is contained within the outer packaging. In the case of water-based paints, woods stains and enamels, there is no limit on the number of items that can be sent in any one package. Surround with absorbent material such as newspaper and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from damage. Volume per item should not exceed 150ml. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.28 Perfume and aftershave (including eau de parfum and eau de toilette but excluding non-flammable perfumed creams, gels, oils or lotions) Volume per item must not exceed 150ml. No more than four perfumes or aftershaves can be sent in any one package. The perfume or aftershave must be within its original retail packaging and then placed in strong outer packaging. The inner packagings must be packed, secured or cushioned to prevent breakage or leakage of their contents into the outer packaging. An ID8000 label must be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.29 Perishables (including flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables and frozen or chilled foodstuffs) Packaging should be able to withstand a journey of up to 48 hours. You should use First Class as the minimum service. Must be suitably sealed to prevent leakage or tainting of other items such as in sealed vacuum packs. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.30 Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes (non-toxic and non-flammable) May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. The medicines must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof container such as a sealed polythene bag (for liquids) or a siftproof container (for solids). Must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.31 Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes (toxic, flammable or toxic and flammable) May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. Volume/mass per item must not exceed 50ml/50g. No more than eight items can be sent in any one parcel. The medicines must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof container such as a sealed polythene bag (for liquids) or a sift-proof container (for solids). Must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. ID8000 label must be applied. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.32 Radioactive material and samples that are not classified as dangerous goods in the latest edition of the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s Technical Instructions (ICAO) e.g. samples of granite rock Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.33 Sharp objects and instruments (including scissors, kitchen knives and utensils) Wrap heavy cardboard around sharp edges and points, strong enough to ensure that the contents do not pierce the outer packaging. Wrap each item with cushioning material. Place in a suitable outer container such as a padded envelope. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.34 Vaccines that are not classified as dangerous goods May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. The vaccines must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner such as a sealed polythene bag (for liquids) or a sift-proof container (for solids). Must be tightly packed in strong outer packaging and must be secured or cushioned to prevent any damage. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.35 Human or animal samples May only be sent by, or at the specific request of, a qualified medical practitioner, registered dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, registered nurse or a recognised laboratory or institution. The total sample volume/mass in any parcel must not exceed one kg. Solids only can be sent All human or animal samples must be posted in packaging that complies with Packaging Instruction 650, such as our Safebox product. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

5.7.36 Valuables can only be sent using the Special Delivery service.

5.8 It is your responsibility to ensure that restricted items are sent correctly and that you meet the requirements for acceptance. If you are in any doubt as to whether an item is one of the restricted items you can seek advice from our website (

5.8.1 any item which resembles a restricted item may be subject to additional scrutiny which may cause delays

5.8.2 any compensation claim for delay as a result of additional scrutiny is subject to the limits set out in Section 17 of the Scheme

5.8.3 failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution resulting in a fine or imprisonment

5.8.4 failure to comply with these conditions could affect your ability to claim compensation

5.8.5 if you post an item that contains a restricted item (and you do not comply with the relevant restrictions or requirements) we may deal with such item in our sole and absolute discretion (without incurring any liability whatsoever to you or the addressee) including disposing of the relevant item (in whole or in part)

5.8.6 the sender, or their representative, may be required to pay an amount (to be fixed by us) to cover the costs of returning, dealing with or disposing of the item

5.8.7 the sender is responsible for checking whether an item is restricted.

5.8.8 we reserve the right to refuse any other item banned by law or that in our opinion may be harmful or dangerous to our customers or employees

5.8.9 any article or substance classified as dangerous goods is prohibited (other than specified in Restricted items above)

6. Size & weight limits and how to package an item

6.1 In addition to the specific packaging and other requirements that relate to restricted items there are some general rules set out below that must be followed for all items as to weight, size, thickness and packaging.

6.2 Items sent using the First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class services may weigh up to 20 kilograms. Special Delivery can be used for items which weigh up to 10 kilograms or up to 20 kilograms where Special Delivery services are purchased at a Post Office® branch.

6.3 The maximum size of an item must not exceed 610mm in length by 460mm in width by 460mm in depth. For a cylinder shaped item the length plus twice the diameter may not exceed 1040mm with the greatest dimension being no more than 900mm. The maximum size for each format of item is set out in section 9.1 below.

6.4 The minimum thickness for an item is 0.25mm. We may refuse to accept or to deliver an item that is less than 0.25mm thick.

6.5 All items must be packaged such that, in our opinion, the item will not be likely to cause damage or harm to other items, equipment or individuals (including any recipient).

6.6 The cover and the protective material of the item must be appropriate to the contents such that we can convey it to its destination undamaged without having to take precautions over and above those normally taken by us with an item of mail. Packaging guidelines are available on our website ( and in booklets held by Post Office® branches.

6.7 With the exception of items that are sent using the Articles for the Blind service (which are discussed in more detail section 22) all items must be securely sealed or fastened.

6.8 In addition to the requirement to provide sufficient protection both for the item itself and so as not to be likely to cause damage or harm to other items, equipment or individuals as set out in sections 6.5 and 6.6, any item that contains anything breakable must be clearly and legibly marked with the words ‘FRAGILE – HANDLE WITH CARE’ in capital letters above the address.

6.9 In addition to the requirement to provide sufficient protection for the contents as set out in sections 6.5 and 6.6 any item that has contents that may be damaged by bending must be clearly and legibly marked with the words ‘DO NOT BEND’ in capital letters above the address.

6.10 In the same way that the list of restricted items can change from time to time so too can our packaging requirements for certain new or existing restricted items. You can review the full, up-to-date list of restricted items and associated packaging requirements on our website (

6.11 The latest packaging guidelines which apply to all items can also be found on our website (

7. How to address an item

7.1 Each item must be fully and correctly addressed. All the elements of the address (including the full postcode) must be written clearly and legibly on the front or on a label securely attached to the front of the cover (or otherwise in a manner such that the address is clearly visible in its entirety as if it had been written on the front of the cover) of the item.

7.2 You must ensure that addresses take the following format when added to an item. Please do not use commas or full stops and note that only the TOWN and POSTCODE should be in CAPITAL LETTERS. You don’t need to include the county name. The postcode must be on a line of its own. The text that makes up the address should be aligned to the left as it is in the example below. It should not be staggered or centred.

Example Name

House name or number and road name

Locality Name if one exists



The text set out in the example above and taken as a whole is known as the address block. The address block should appear in the centre of the front face of the item.

7.3 Postcodes are allocated by us at our discretion throughout the United Kingdom in accordance with the operational needs of our network. The postcodes are routing codes and we may amend them at our discretion from time to time. Where we do make changes we will ensure that all residents of the affected addresses are given sufficient notice and, in certain cases, as detailed in the PAF® File Code of Practice, we will follow a formal notification and consultation process before confirming changes.

7.4 The address must not be obscured or made difficult to read in any way including by the manner in which the contents are enclosed in the item.

7.5 Putting a correct address in the correct format in the correct location on an item helps our sorting machines process the mail as quickly as possible. More information is available on our website (

7.6 We recommend that you put a full and accurate return address on your item (in a position where it can’t be confused with the destination address and preferably on the back) so that we are able to return the item to you, intact, should we need to. More information regarding Return to Sender can be found in section 15.

8. How to pay for postage and other services

8.1 Of the services contained within this Scheme the following are provided (as long as specific requirements are met) free of charge:

• Articles for the Blind,

• Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign,

• Petitions to Parliament & Assemblies and

• Poste Restante.

The specific requirements for these services are set out in sections 22 to 26 below of this Scheme.

8.2 The other services that are contained in this Scheme require payment for postage. These services are:

• First Class,

• Second Class,

• Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class,

• Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class and

• Special Delivery.

The specific requirements for First Class, Second Class with delivery confirmation, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class and Special Delivery are set out below in sections 19 to 21 of this Scheme.

8.2.1 The services listed above in 8.2 can be paid for by applying postage stamps, postage labels (which can be generated by our on-line postage applications or by Post Office® branches) or by use of a franking machine3.

8.2.2 First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class services can also be purchased using a credit account.

8.3 Stamps can be purchased from us online from our website (, from Post Office® branches or from a wide variety of other high street retailers. When postage is purchased from a Post Office® branch it often takes the form of a postage label if it is for anything but the first weight band. Similar postage labels are also available from our online postage tool and through our computer applications (e.g. SmartStamp®) which you may subscribe to or sign up for.

8.4 A franking machine allows money to be credited onto it. Postage for items is then paid for, from this credit, on an item by item basis. There is a wide range of franking machines which can either be leased or bought from franking manufacturers. If you use a franking machine you must abide by the terms and conditions that are contained within a separate Scheme document called Royal Mail Scheme For Franking Letters And Parcels 2014 (which is published on our website ( as well as the terms and conditions contained in this Scheme document.

8.5 A credit account allows you to post items without pre-payment. You are sent an invoice requesting payment for the items we have conveyed in the preceding period of time. If you set up a credit account with us you must abide by the terms and conditions that are contained within documents called the Royal Mail General Terms & Conditions and the Royal Mail Account Terms (both of which can be found on our website ( as well as the terms and conditions contained in this Scheme document.

9. How to work out how much postage to pay

9.1 For the services listed in this Scheme that are not free, the amount of postage that you must pay is dependent on several factors. The first is how quickly you would like the item to arrive (the service), the second is what weight the item is (the weight) and the third is how much compensation is required in the event of loss or damage. For items sent using the First Class, Second Class and Royal Mail Signed For 1st & 2nd Class services the amount of postage payable also varies by format (i.e. shape, size & weight):

9.1.1 items which do not exceed 100g in weight and 240mm by 165mm by 5mm in size are deemed to be letters for pricing purposes;

9.1.2 items which exceed 100g or 240mm by 165mm by 5mm (in any one or more of the three dimensions) but do not exceed 750g and 353mm by 250mm by 25mm are deemed to be large letters for pricing purposes;

9.1.3 items which exceed 353mm by 250mm by 25mm (in any one or more of the three dimensions) up to maximum dimensions of 450 mm by 350mm by 160mm and cylinder shaped items that do not exceed 450mm in length and has a diameter no greater than 160mm neither of which exceed 2 kilograms in weight are deemed to be small parcels for pricing purposes; and

9.1.4 items which exceed 450 mm by 350mm by 160mm (in any one or more of the three dimensions) up to maximum dimensions of 610mm by 460mm by 460mm which do not exceed 20 kilograms in weight are deemed to be medium parcels for pricing purposes. Exceptions apply (see 9.1.5).

9.2 We aim to deliver a Special Delivery item by 1pm the next working day after it has been posted. Please note that exemptions do apply in certain circumstances. All Special Delivery items are priced by service and by weight. Compensation for loss or damage is available on the basis of actual loss of up to the maximum of the market value of the item or £500 (whichever is the lower) comes as standard. Special Delivery is available with enhanced compensation options. Further add on services can also be purchased with Special Delivery such as a Saturday Guarantee or Consequential Loss for additional service fees. Further specific details, including compensation, exemption and suspension information, can be found in sections 17.7.4 & 21 below and on the Special Delivery website (

9.3 We aim to deliver:

• A First Class item the next working day after it has been posted.

• A Second Class item within three working days after it has been posted.

Compensation for loss or damage for any format of item sent using the First Class or Second Class services in accordance with this Scheme is available on the basis of actual loss up to the maximum of the market value of the item or £20 (whichever is the lower) comes as standard.

9.4 We aim to deliver:

• A Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class item the next working day after it has been posted.

• A Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class item within three working days after it has been posted.

Compensation for loss or damage for any format of item sent using Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class services in accordance with this Scheme is available on the basis of actual loss up to the maximum of the market value of the item or £50 (whichever is the lower) comes as standard.

Further details of how the Royal Mail Signed For services work can be found in section 20 below.

9.5 To help you find the best service for your needs and budget we provide a price finder tool on our website ( Prices and other pricing information can also be found in other locations on the same website (such as product specific pages) including in a Pricing document with all pricing information for the services mentioned in sections 9.1.1 to 9.1.4.

9.6 We may change the rates of postage and service fees from time to time. Changes to postage rates & service fees and the date on which the changed rates and fees will come into effect will be published at least one month (or whatever period of time agreed by us with our regulator, Ofcom) in advance on our website (

10. How to show that an item has had postage paid

10.1 You must show us that postage for an item has been paid for (where it applies) so that we can convey it without delay. Payment is demonstrated by the application of a postage mark to the item. The manner in which payment of postage can be shown depends on the method of payment used. Section 8 above set out the most common ways of applying a postage mark (postage stamps, postage labels, service fee labels, franking marks, marks created by online applications such as SmartStamps®, Printed Postage Impressions (PPIs) etc). In addition, a postage mark may be fixed, printed, impressed, embossed or otherwise shown on the envelope or cover of an item as we may specify or approve.

10.2 Postage marks must be applied to the top right hand corner of the envelope or cover of the item unless we specify otherwise. If the item is spherical or without corners the postage mark should be placed above and to the right of the address.

10.2.1 A postage mark that is damaged or imperfect, has been defaced or has anything written or printed over it becomes void and cannot be used to show that postage has been paid.

10.2.2 You can use an adhesive postage stamp which has been perforated by means of a punch provided that the perforation holes are smaller than the holes dividing one stamp from another on a sheet of stamps.

10.2.3 Postage marks can be used only once and then they become void and must not be re-used to pay postage on the same or another item.

10.2.4 Any postage mark that carries an expiry time and/or date will become void from that time and/or date and cannot be used to show that postage has been paid after that time and/or date.

10.3 If you use a franking machine you must apply a franking mark to the cover of the item as set out in the Royal Mail Scheme For Franking Letters And Parcels 2014 (which is published on our website ( and according to any guidelines that we publish on our Franking help centre website (

10.4 If you make use of a credit account you must apply a Printed Postage Impression (PPI) in accordance with the PPI Licence, the PPI design notes and any guidelines that we publish on our website (

11. Other requirements relating to the address on the cover of an item

11.1 Section 7 set out how to address an item and section 10 set out how payment can be indicated. There are some further things that must be considered with regard to the cover of the item so that we can efficiently convey the item without delay.

11.2 An item must not have on its cover:

11.2.1 anything which obscures the postage mark,

11.2.2 anything which is likely, in our opinion, to make it difficult for us to apply a postmark to the cover,

11.2.3 anything which, in our judgement, is likely to make the postmark illegible,

11.2.4 any counterfeit or fake postage mark,

11.2.5 any postage mark which we consider may have previously been used to pay postage,

11.2.6 signs, words or marks, used without official permission, which could indicate that the item was sent on Her Majesty’s Service or was conveyed and delivered by us or

11.2.7 any signs, words, images or designs which are offensive, obscene or indecent.

11.3 An item must not be made up in any way or have anything on its cover which, in our judgement makes it difficult or embarrassing to deliver the item.

11.4 A postage mark must not be attached to an item using staples, sticky tape, or any other means that we do not approve.

12. How to hand over (or post) an item

12.1 All items sent using a service provided through this Scheme can be posted in the following ways.

12.1.1 By handing it to an authorised member of staff at a Royal Mail building (typically a Delivery Office, Customer Service Point or Mail Centre) as long as we consider it feasible to do so.

12.1.2 By handing it to an authorised member of staff at a Post Office® as long as considered feasible to do so.

12.1.3 By Business Collection (typically a paid for extra service where we collect the mail from a business customer’s premises. Business Collections are not covered by this Scheme).

12.1.4 Or in any other manner which we may approve.

12.2 In addition the following services:

• First Class,

• Second Class, and

• Articles for the Blind.

can be posted in the following ways:

12.2.1 by placing it in a post box (typically a red (or very rarely gold) post box on the street) or

12.2.2 by placing it in a private post box (typically a post box contained with a shop or other private premises). An item placed in a private post box will be deemed to have been posted when collected by us and not before.

Please note that delivery confirmation for small parcels and medium parcels sent by First Class or Second Class, requires the application of an appropriate postage label purchased online or from a Post Office. The labels are expected to be available online from January 20174 and at a Post Office® from April 20175. Please see section 19 for further details of delivery confirmation.

12.3 An item that has had postage paid by a franking machine must be posted in accordance with the Royal Mail Scheme for Franking Letters and Parcels 2014 which is published on our website (

12.4 Items sent through the First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class services and via the Special Delivery service that have been paid for with a credit account must be separated out for posting by:

(i) class,

(ii) format (if appropriate to the service) and

(iii) service.

and presented to us in trays, bags, pouches or other containers supplied by us and also in accordance with any conditions set out in the PPI Licence.

12.5 Articles for the Blind sent by a business must present items separate to but in the same manner (as required by section 12.4 above) and at the same time as any items which are posted using a credit account.

12.6 All items must be posted by the latest acceptance time that we determine and advertise or agree with you (as appropriate to the method of posting). Items posted after that latest acceptance time will be considered to have been posted the following working day.

13. How we will treat items that do not meet the requirements set out in this scheme

13.1 Once an item has been posted we may carry out checks on that item.

13.2 Subject to sections 5.4 and 5.8 above (which set out how we treat items that contain prohibited items and/or restricted items where the relevant restrictions or requirements have not been complied with), if an item is found not to meet the conditions set out in this Scheme or an item is found that indicates that insufficient (or no) postage and/or service fee has been paid for the service requested, we may decide at our discretion to do one of the following things set out below within a reasonable period of time.

13.2.1 Deliver the item to the address shown by the service requested.

13.2.2 Deliver the item to the address shown by an alternative service that we determine to be appropriate. In these situations the conditions of the service used to convey the item will apply.

13.2.3 Convey the item part of the way and inform the addressee that an item can be collected from a specified location (normally a Royal Mail Customer Service Point) by the addressee or their representative.

13.2.4 Treat the item as undeliverable. Details of how we may deal with undeliverable mail can be found in section 15.

13.2.5 Return the item to you.

13.2.6 Refuse to accept it.

13.2.7 If none of the above courses of action are possible we may deal with or dispose of the item at our discretion.

In all cases we may not accept any liability for that item. This provision also applies to items which have been found either in a Post Office® branch or on Royal Mail premises and which appears intended for posting.

13.3 In each case set out in section 13.2 we may require the addressee or you to pay an amount (to be fixed by us in order to cover additional costs) before the item is delivered or released for collection.

13.3.1 In the event of underpaid or unpaid postage and/or service fees the amount due may include a surcharge in addition to the underpaid or unpaid postage to cover administrative costs.

13.3.2 Where the amount due is not paid the item may be dealt with or disposed of at our discretion.

13.4 In each case set out in sections 5.4, 5.8 and 13.2.4 to 13.2.7 we may additionally require you or your representative to pay an amount (to be fixed by us) to cover the costs of returning, dealing with or disposing of the item.

14. Additional marks

14.1 In the course of conveying an item we (or someone authorised by us) may alter the look of the cover of that item. Most usually this is by the addition of a postmark which shows that a stamp has been used and prevents it from being used again. A postmark may also contain an advertising or informative image. We may apply the postmark in any manner we consider appropriate. It is important to note that we may apply any form of postage mark (an image that denotes payment), impression, image, sticker, label or other device we consider suitable for any other postal purpose we consider appropriate.

14.2 We may also charge you a fee (to be fixed by us from time to time) and published on our website ( for cancelling postage marks with a special postmark including one that incorporates an advertisement, at your request.

15. Delivery including undeliverable and re-posted (Return to Sender) items

15.1 Subject to sections 5.4 and 5.8, we will attempt to deliver items that meet the conditions for the relevant service set out in this Scheme.

15.2 Some items require a signature at the point of delivery and some are too large to fit through a letter box. In these situations someone needs to be present at the address to take delivery of the item.

15.2.1 If no one is available we may attempt to deliver the item to a neighbour. Please note that we will never attempt to deliver an item to a neighbour if it is a Special Delivery item or it is an item sent using a service provided under this Scheme and is Social Security post6.

15.2.2 If a neighbour is available to take delivery of the item we will leave the item with that neighbour and leave a card at the address that the item was addressed to. That card will inform the addressee (or their representative) that an item is (or items are) being held by a neighbour for them and provide the address details for that neighbour and the date and the time that the item was left with the neighbour.

15.2.3 If an addressee does not want their items to be delivered to a neighbour or does not want to take items for neighbours they can opt out of the Delivery to Neighbour service, free of charge, by registering their wish to opt out in such a way as Royal Mail may reasonably require from time to time.

15.2.4 If a neighbour is not available to take delivery of the item, or the addressee has opted-out and does not want their items to be delivered to a neighbour or to take items for neighbours, we will take the item back to the Delivery Office or an alternative location such as a Post Office® branch. We will leave a card at the address that the item was addressed to.

15.2.5 The card that is left at the address will inform the addressee (or their representative) that we attempted to deliver an item or items and will offer the addressee (or their representative) one or more of the following opportunities: to request that the item be redelivered to the same address, to request that the item be redelivered to an alternative local7 address. Please note that this option is not available with Special Delivery items or any item sent using a service provided under this Scheme and is Social Security post, to collect (after the required period of time stated on the card has elapsed to allow for the item to reach that location and once identification has been provided that we deem to be suitable) the item from the Delivery Office or the alternative location such as a Post Office® branch to which the item was taken back to or to request that the item be sent from the Delivery Office or other location (other than a Post Office® branch) to a Post Office® branch for collection. This service is called Redelivery to Post Office and incurs an additional fee. When collecting the item the addressee (or their representative) must provide the card that was left at the address and identification that we deem acceptable. Further details including the current fee and identification requirements can be found on our website (

15.3 We may decide not to deliver an item which we consider impracticable or unreasonable to deliver. Such an item is referred to in this Scheme as undeliverable. We may consider an item to be undeliverable if we are of the opinion that:

15.3.1 following a failed first delivery attempt, the addressee has not taken advantage of any of the opportunities set out in 15.2.5 within the advertised holding period,

15.3.2 following a failed first delivery attempt, we are required, by law to return an item immediately to you (e.g. Royal Mail’s obligations in relation to Social Security Post),

15.3.3 the address is unsafe or unsecure or if no delivery point has been provided, or if access to the delivery point has been prevented or impeded,

15.3.4 the address to which the item is to be delivered is not permanently occupied8,

15.3.5 the item is not fully and correctly addressed in a manner which includes all the elements of the address (including the full postcode), written clearly on the front or on a label securely attached to the front of the cover (or otherwise in a manner such that the address is clearly visible in its entirety as if it had been written on the front of the cover),

15.3.6 the address is illegible,

15.3.7 the health and safety of any individuals may be put at risk or

15.3.8 for any other reason, we form the opinion that it is impracticable or unreasonable to deliver the item.

15.4 Where an item is undeliverable and:

15.4.1 your name and your address (as long as it is in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands of the Isle of Man) are legible on the cover, we may return the item to you unopened.

15.4.2 the item was originally paid for by franking machine or by using a credit account and your name and address are (a) not on the cover or (b) they are illegible or (c) your name and address are legible on the cover but the address is outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, then the item may be dealt with or disposed of at our discretion.

15.4.3 the item was not originally posted as a franked item and your name and address are (a) not on the cover or (b) they are illegible, then the item may be opened. If your name and address are legible inside, the address is in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man, and the item does not consist solely of advertising material, newspapers or magazines, then the item may be returned to you. Otherwise the item may be disposed of at our discretion.

15.5 We will not charge any additional postage or fee for returning an undeliverable item but you or your representative may have to pay any other fees (e.g. surcharges or customs charges) that apply. If any applicable fee is not paid, the item may be dealt with or disposed of at our discretion.

15.6 Return to Sender - We will return an item to you from the delivery address, if the following conditions are all met – i.e. the item:

• was originally posted using a service set out in this Scheme,

• is re-posted by the addressee or any other person for any reason,

• with the original address crossed out,

• with a clear instruction to return the item to you written on the cover,

• with the return address written fully, correctly and legibly on the cover and

• the return address is in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

15.7 Forwarding – unofficial redirections – We are not under any obligation to do anything with an item that someone requests to be forwarded to another address other than the return to sender address on the cover. We consider these unpaid for, forwarding requests to be a form of unofficial redirections request. Typically in this situation the original address is crossed out and a written request (e.g. “please forward to”) is made on the cover to forward the item to another address. This is normally attempted in order to try to get the item to the addressee who has moved to another address. In these situations the person moving should take out a Redirection service with us or provide pre-paid stationery. If we find an item that someone has requested be forwarded to another address then the item may be dealt with or disposed of at our discretion.

16. Complaints handling process

16.1. We aim to provide you with a reliable and consistent service at all times. If, however, you are unhappy with the service we have given you, this section will help you to get in touch with us to discuss your complaint and – if applicable – refer your complaint to an external, independent Ombudsman style service for resolution.

16.2. There are 3 internal stages in our complaints handling process and then the final Ombudsman style stage. Further information and contact details for each stage are available on our website (

Stage 1: Contacting our Customer Services Advisors

16.2.1. Our Customer Services Advisors will make every effort to investigate and resolve your complaint providing you with an appropriate response. If you are not happy with the reply you can escalate your case to the Escalated Customer Resolution Team.

Stage 2: Contacting our Escalated Customer Resolution Team

16.2.2. Our Escalated Customer Resolution Team is trained in dealing with escalated complaints. They will endeavour to resolve your concerns. However, if after allowing them another chance to deal with your complaint you remain dissatisfied, you can contact the Postal Review Panel.

Stage 3: The Postal Review Panel

16.2.3. The Postal Review Panel will take a fresh and impartial look at your case and provide a final response from us about your complaint.

16.2.4. If you are not satisfied after the Postal Review Panel has provided you with a final response then your case will be considered ‘deadlocked’. Customer complaints in deadlock can be referred to the external, independent Ombudsman style service.

Stage 4: The Postal Redress Service – an external, independent Ombudsman style service

16.2.5. If you remain dissatisfied with the response you have received after contacting the Postal Review Panel and you have received a deadlock letter, you may be able to escalate your complaint to the independent Ombudsman style scheme, the Postal Redress Service (POSTRS).

16.2.6. POSTRS’s role is to resolve disputes between regulated postal operators (such as us) and their customers. POSTRS provide a free service and we are bound by their findings.

16.2.7. Depending on the nature of the specific complaint, POSTRS may be available. A list of products within the POSTRS scheme can be found on our website ( Generally, the service is available to you if:

• We have not been able to settle your complaint within the 90 day timescales set out by Royal Mail Customer Services.

• You have been referred to the scheme through your ‘deadlock’ letter.

• We have not followed our own complaints procedure in handling your complaint.

16.2.8. For further information please refer to POSTRS’s website

17. Compensation – what we are liable for

17.1 The vast majority of items arrive safely on time. But, in a tiny fraction of cases items may be lost, damaged or delayed. In these situations we may refund postage and/or service fee and award compensation. Where we do not do what we were paid to do (e.g. gain a signature) a refund of the fee paid for that service may be payable by us. This section provides details as to:

• what items qualify for refunds and compensation,

• what compensation is available and

• how and when claims need to be made.

17.2 We will accept liability, may refund postage and/or service fees and may pay compensation for the loss of, damage to, part loss of or delay of an item posted under this Scheme, unless that item:

17.2.1 is considered by us to be undeliverable (as set out in section 15.3 above),

17.2.2 is one that has been successfully delivered but subsequently made the subject of a Return to Sender request (as set out in section 15.6 above),

17.2.3 is considered by us to be subject to a forwarding or unofficial redirection request (as set out in section 15.7 above),

17.2.4 has not fully meet all of the conditions set out in this Scheme (as mentioned in sections 5.3, 5.7 and 13.2),

17.2.5 is considered by us to indicate that insufficient (or no) postage and/or service fee has been paid for the service requested (also as mentioned in section 13.2 above),

17.2.6 is one which we have dealt with or disposed of at our discretion as mentioned under any section of this Scheme,

17.2.7 is one that contained prohibited items (as set out in section 5.3 above),

17.2.8 is one that contains restricted items and the requirements for the acceptance of those items have not been met (as set out in section 5.7 above),

17.2.9 is one that is being sent by post in contravention of section 85 of the Postal Services Act 2000 (as amended), which essentially means any item that may damage another item or injure anyone handling that item. Also an item that contains or shows on its cover an indecent or obscene image,

17.2.10 is subject to circumstances where the event leading to the claim was caused by situations outside our control including exceptionally severe weather conditions, acts of terrorism and vandalism and acts of third parties with whom we have no contractual relationship,

17.2.11 is one where the loss, damage or delay is due to a latent or inherent defect or natural deterioration,

17.2.12 is one that we do not believe has suffered damage or delay solely as a result of its transmission through the post. In particular where the cover does not appear to us to have suffered damage consistent with the damage caused to the contents of that item,

17.2.13 is one where the damage was pre-existing, that is, where the item was already damaged when it was posted, or

17.2.14 is one which has been re-directed to an address in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

17.3 For clarity, where an item falls into one of the categories listed in sections 17.2.1 to 17.2.14 then we will not accept liability, will not refund postage and/or service fees or pay compensation for the loss of, damage to or delay of that item.

17.4 In addition to section 17.3 we will only accept liability, may refund postage and/or service fees and may pay compensation where the loss, damage or delay is due to any wrongful act done, or any neglect or default committed by a member of staff or agent of Royal Mail while performing or purporting to perform his functions as such in relation to the receipt, conveyance, delivery or other dealing with the item.

17.5 In addition to sections 17.3 and 17.4 we do not accept liability, will not refund postage and/or service fees or pay compensation for loss, damage or delay to an item where the loss, damage or delay is caused by your own act or omission in the course of either preparing to post or actually posting the item.

17.6 For the avoidance of doubt we will not accept liability, will not refund postage and/or service fees or pay compensation for loss, damage or delay to an item where the item was posted with, or handled by another postal operator or third party (other than a neighbour who has taken in an item under the delivery to neighbour arrangements mentioned in section 15.2 in which case the same compensation arrangements apply as they do for any item that was successfully delivered first time).

What determines compensation payable

17.7 The amount of compensation that is payable depends on a number of factors including:

• The service used,

• The nature of compensation being sought (that is, is it for loss, damage or delay?),

• The evidence that can be provided and

• The value of the item

17.7.1 Compensation is only available for items sent using the following services:

• First Class,

• Second Class,

• Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class,

• Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class,

• Special Delivery, and

• Articles for the Blind

17.7.2 In addition to the information contained in this Scheme we publish a policy for each type of compensation which can be found through the following links. These policies may be updated from time to time and the latest versions will always be published on our website (

Royal Mail’s retail compensation policy for loss

Royal Mail’s retail compensation policy for damage

Royal Mail’s retail compensation policy for delay

Claims and evidence

17.7.3 We will only consider a claim for loss, damage or delay compensation where the minimum basic evidence is available and provided. Where only basic evidence is provided and the item is one which we accept liability for or has no intrinsic value we will refund the postage paid or issue six 1st class stamps9 whichever is the higher in value for loss or damage (or part loss).

17.7.4 To claim loss or damage compensation for the intrinsic value of the item additional evidence is required as well as the basic evidence. Details regarding what additional evidence is made up of are set out in 17.7.5 below.

Basic evidence is made up of all of the following: the names and addresses of you, the addressee and, if different, the claimant, the name of the service used, the value of the postage paid and method of postage, e.g. stamps, franking impression, Smartstamp®. If the value of the postage paid is greater than the value of six 1st class, letter format, stamps (at the first weight step) then evidence of postage paid should be provided which could be product documentation, a certificate of posting or a receipt, the place of posting, the date of posting, the basis for asserting the posting details and product used (such as date of postmark or certificate of posting (if available). For Special Delivery, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class and parcels sent by First Class or Second Class with delivery confirmation, the product documentation provided to you when posting the item (i.e. certificate of posting or receipt) a detailed description of the contents, in addition, for damage (or part loss) and delay claims the date of delivery, and in addition, for damage (or part loss) claims a description of the packaging and condition of the mail item itself.

17.7.5 As mentioned in section 17.7.4 above in order to claim loss or damage compensation for the actual loss of the item additional evidence is required.

Please note that, when claiming for actual loss, there is a cap on the amount of compensation that can be paid. For Special Delivery it is the lower of market value or £500 (or £1,000 or £2,500 if enhanced compensation has been purchased). For Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class it is the lower of the market value or £50.

For items sent by the Articles for the Blind service it is the lower of the market value or £46

For all other services listed in section 17.7.1 it is the lower of market value or £20.

Details are summarised in Tables 1 & 2 below section 17.7.7 of this Scheme. Additional evidence is made up of evidence of posting and evidence of value. Evidence of posting can be:

• Any original Certificate of Posting (provided automatically for Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class, parcels sent by First Class or Second Class with delivery confirmation and Special Delivery and available on request and free of charge at Post Office® branches for other items),

• Original Smartstamp® or on-line postage certificate of posting validated at a Post Office® branch,

• Or for damage (or part loss) claims the item with cover and packaging, showing the postage paid as well as the original Certificate of Posting if provided as part of the service purchased (i.e. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class, parcels sent by First Class or Second Class with delivery confirmation and Special Delivery). Evidence of value can be:

• Original receipts,

• Bank or credit card statements,

• PayPal records,

• Invoices,

• Manufacturing costs,

• Auctioneers valuations,

• Repair quotations etc.

This list is not exhaustive. It is provided for illustrative purposes. All evidence of value must be originals and not copies. You are advised to make copies before sending us originals. In addition to information set out in - 2 for eBay claims you must also include the following:

• item sale page and PayPal or bank/credit card statement and

• eBay item number.

17.7.6 Please note that all of the packaging and contents of damaged items or items subject to part loss must be retained as we may need to inspect them. If they are not retained then compensation may not be paid.

17.7.7 We may at any time request additional documentation and/or information from the claimant, sender or recipient to protect against unwarranted or duplicate claims. This includes, but is not limited to, a declaration of non-receipt (or proof of non receipt in appropriate cases).

Table 1 - Refunds and compensation available for loss, damage & part loss for item s conveyed using First Class & Second Class

Loss Damage and Part Loss
Item has no intrinsic value Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.
Item has intrinsic value (with basic evidence only) Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step
Item has intrinsic value (with additional evidence) Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £20. Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £20.

Table 2 - Refunds and compensation available for loss, damage & part loss for items conveyed using Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class

Loss Damage and Part Loss
Item has no intrinsic value Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.
Item has intrinsic value Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format (with basic evidence only) at their basic weight step
Item has intrinsic value (with additional evidence) Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £50. Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £50.

Table 3 - Refunds and compensation available for loss, damage & part loss for items conveyed using Articles for the Blind service

Loss Damage and Part Loss
Item has no intrinsic value Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.
Item has intrinsic value (with basic evidence only) Postage refund (a minimum 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.) 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step
Item has intrinsic value (with additional evidence) Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £46. Postage refund, plus compensation on basis of the customer’s actual loss. This compensation is subject to the maximum payable being the lower of the market value of the item and £46.

Table 4 - Refunds and compensation available for delay for First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class, Articles for the Blind and Special Delivery

Delay Compensation payable
First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class & Articles for the Blind 6 x First Class letter format stamps at their basic weight step.
Special Delivery A refund of your Special Delivery postage if your item arrives later than the due time of delivery. Compensation of £5 if the item is delivered more than 24 hours (Mon-Fri) after the guaranteed time. Or £10 if delivered 7 or more working days (Mon-Fri) after the guaranteed time. Additional evidence of posting is required

Making a claim

17.8 This section sets out some details for making a compensation claim. The full process for making a claim is set out on our website ( We may reject claims that do not follow that process.

17.8.1 Claims should be made by you or the intended recipient of the item. However we will only make a payment once in respect of any item. If you and the intended recipient both make a claim for the same item, then only you will have a right to compensation, unless a compensation payment has already been made to the recipient, in which case you will have no right to compensation.

17.8.2 Any loss, damage (or part loss) and delay claims must be made as soon as possible after the incident to help us investigate. Claims must be made by the deadlines set out below. Please note that loss claims can only be made if the item has not been delivered (or had delivery attempted) 10 or more working days after the due date (5 working days for Special Delivery items). All loss and damage (or part loss) claims must be made within 80 calendar days of the date of posting for all services covered by this Scheme. Claims for delay relating to items posted using any of the First Class, Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class or Articles for the Blind services will only be considered valid by us if the item has not been delivered or no attempt has been made to deliver the item within 3 working days of the due date. An extra working day is added if items are posted during the Christmas and New Year period. If an item has been redirected using our Redirection™ service then the period is 6 working days instead of 3; during the Christmas & New Year period this is extended to 8 days.

Table 5 – Due date and qualifying days to be used for determining when an item may be considered delayed outside of the Christmas and New Year period

Service Due date Delay if delivered
First Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class & Articles for the Blind Next working day after posting 3 or more working days after due date. 6 or more working days after due date if redirected item.
Second Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class 3 working days after posting Claims for delay relating to items sent using the Special Delivery service will only be considered valid by us if the item has not been delivered or no attempt has been made to deliver the item within 24 hours of the due date. This applies all year round. If an item sent using the Special Delivery service arrives 7 or more working days after the due date then we will make a payment for substantial delay in addition to a postage refund. Special Delivery items which have been redirected by our Redirection™ service are not eligible for delay compensation. All delay claims must be made within 3 months of posting by you and within one month of delivery (or attempted delivery) by the addressee. We will not accept any liability or responsibility for claims made after this time periods. Please note that any claims for refunds relating to Special Delivery on the basis that the item sent using that service did not arrive by the specified time must be made within 14 days of posting. In respect of claims for the loss and delay of items conveyed to addresses which have been exempted from a daily delivery obligation by our regulator, Ofcom, the assessment of lateness in paragraph and the assessment of when an item is considered delayed in paragraph and shall apply on a case by case basis.

17.8.3 All claims should be made using the correct claim form which is available to download from our website ( and can be collected from Post Office® branches. By using the correct claim form we can process your claim as quickly and effectively as possible. Alternatively, claims may be submitted online via our website (

17.8.4 The claim form needs to be completed as fully as possible: hard-copy claims form should be signed and dated by the claimant before being sent to us and all mandatory fields within the online claim form must be completed. Remember that in order to claim loss or damage compensation for actual loss of the item some additional evidence is required and should be sent in with the claim form. Where evidence is submitted online, we reserve the right to request the originals of such documents in line with section 17.7 of this Scheme. If additional evidence cannot be provided then only a postage refund or stamps can be considered.

17.9 No compensation or other payment will be paid by us for loss or damage claims unless the claim is made within 80 days of the date of posting and unless the claim is made in full compliance with the requirements of this Scheme.

17.10 No compensation or other payment will be paid by us for delay claims unless the claim is made within 3 months of posting by the sender or 1 month of receipt by the recipient and unless the claim is made in full compliance with the requirements of this Scheme.

18. Additional terms & conditions for some services

18.1 The terms and conditions set out in sections 5 to 17 apply to all items. These are referred to in this Scheme as the common terms. Some services that we offer have additional terms and conditions that are specific to those services. The additional terms are known as the specific terms in this Scheme and are contained in the sections below. There is a section each for:

• First Class, Second Class and delivery confirmation (section 19),

• Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class and Proof of Delivery (section 20),

• Special Delivery (section 21),

• Articles for the Blind (section 22),

• Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign (section 23),

• Petitions to Parliament & Assemblies (section 24),

• Poste Restante (section 25) and

• Items sent between the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man (section 26).

18.2 When using a service listed in section 18.1, the specific terms must be complied with in addition to the common terms. Where the specific terms conflict with the common terms, the specific terms should be followed as they take priority over the common terms.

18.3 In addition to the common & specific terms contained within this Scheme, other terms and conditions may exist for some services. For example in section 10 above we mentioned that customers using a franking machine must abide by the Royal Mail Scheme For Franking Letters And Parcels 2014 and according to any guidelines that we publish on our Franking help centre website ( Also, customers who make use of a credit account must abide by the PPI Licence, the PPI design notes and any guidelines that we publish on our website. Such terms and conditions may be contained in application forms, licences, or any other document issued or authorised for issue by us and all may be updated from time to time.

19. First Class, Second Class and delivery confirmation

19.1. Delivery confirmation is available10 for small parcels and medium parcels sent by First Class or Second Class services to addressee's in the UK excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. It is not available for letters or large letters.

19.2. Where delivery confirmation applies, a scan is taken by Royal Mail upon delivery or attempted delivery to the addressee or to another address such as a neighbour. Data from the scans is available online as described within this section 1911. Please note that delivery confirmation is not a tracked service: it simply provides a way of gaining confirmation of delivery or attempted delivery.

19.3. A Royal Mail barcoded postage label must be applied securely to the cover of the item for which First Class or Second Class has been purchased in a manner and position specified by us. The label is expected to be available online from January 201712 and in Post Offices from April 201713.

19.4. You may obtain a copy of the data captured upon delivery or attempted delivery of the item free of charge from our website ( up to 12 months after the item was posted.

20. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class, Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class & Proof of Delivery

20.1. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class are services which can be bought on their own. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class items will only be delivered to an addressee or their representative once a signature or similar proof of delivery has been gained. Please note that Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class are not tracked services; they simply provide a way of gaining the service called Proof of Delivery.

20.2. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class should not be confused with Special Delivery which is highly secure, fully tracked and offers next day delivery, a money back guarantee and is to be used for valuables.

20.3. You must apply (or must ensure someone else applies) a fully completed Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class label securely to the cover of the item for which Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class has been purchased in a manner and position specified by us.

20.4. Upon delivery of an item with Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class added the addressee or their representative must sign (or otherwise provide some form of proof of delivery as we may specify). Where such a signature or proof of delivery is refused to be provided to us then the item may be dealt with or disposed of as we consider appropriate. Please note that the representative could be someone else at the delivery address or a neighbour.

20.5. You may request that our Customer Services provide you with a copy of the signature of the recipient of the Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class item that was obtained when it was successfully delivered. This service is called Proof of Delivery and we may charge you an administration fee the value of which can be found on our website ( This service is available up to 3 months after the date that the item was posted. If we are unable to provide a copy of the signature or proof of delivery (and cannot show that this was due to a refusal to provide one upon delivery) then we will refund an amount equal to the difference between the Royal Mail 1st Class Service fee and the Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class Service fee or Royal Mail 2nd Class Service fee and Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class Service fee, depending on the service purchased.

20.6. You may also obtain proof that the Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class item was successfully delivered free of charge from our website ( up to 12 months after the item was posted. Please note that we will only refund an amount equal to the difference between the Royal Mail 1st Class Service fee and the Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class Service fee or Royal Mail 2nd Class Service fee and Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class Service fee, depending on the service purchased, if a claim is made within 3 months of the item being posted.

21. Special Delivery

21.1. Special Delivery14 is a service that can be bought on its own. It offers next day delivery by 1pm to most of the UK with online tracking and proof of delivery. We will attempt to deliver a Special Delivery item by 1pm the next working day after it has been posted. If we do not succeed in attempting to deliver by this time we will refund your postage (see below). Please note that some destinations, redirected items, the Inflight Delivery Option set out at point 21.8.3 below and/or addresses where no one is available to accept the item are exempt from this money back guarantee. Please also note that we may suspend the money back guarantee from time to time for exceptional reasons (e.g. extreme weather). More information including an up to date list of UK destinations that aren’t covered by the 1pm guarantee can be found on our website (

21.2. Special Delivery also offers a Saturday Guarantee add on for items posted on a Friday and the ability to purchase cover for Consequential Loss. Both are discussed further in sections below. The Special Delivery item will only be delivered to the delivery address once a signature or similar proof of delivery has been gained. Special Delivery is our only service with tracking that is offered under this Scheme. Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class do not offer tracking; they simply provide a way of gaining proof that an item has been accepted at a Post Office® branch and delivered.

21.3. You must apply (or must ensure someone else applies) a fully completed Special Delivery label securely to the cover of a Special Delivery item in a manner and position specified by us.

21.4. Upon delivery of a Special Delivery item the addressee (or their representative) must sign their name (or otherwise provide some form of proof of delivery as we may specify). Please note that the person who signs for the item may not be the addressee; it could be anyone at the delivery address. Where such a signature or proof of delivery is not provided to us then the item may be dealt with or disposed of as we consider appropriate.

21.5. You may request that our Customer Services provide you with a copy of the signature of the recipient of the Special Delivery item that was obtained when it was successfully delivered. This service is called Proof of Delivery. This service is available up to 3 months after the date that the item was posted. If we are unable to provide a copy of the signature or proof of delivery (and cannot show that this was due to a refusal to provide one upon delivery) then we will refund the postage paid.

21.6. You may also obtain proof that a Special Delivery item was successfully delivered free of charge from our website up to 12 months after the item was posted. Please note that where we fail to give you Proof of Delivery we will only refund postage if a claim is made within 3 months of the Special Delivery item being posted.

21.7. Special Delivery items posted on a Friday are due for delivery the following Monday15 (or next working day following a Bank Holiday). Saturday Guarantee can be purchased for an additional service fee at a Post Office® branch if delivery on the Saturday rather than the Monday is required. The exemptions and suspensions previously mentioned in 21.1 still apply16; information can be found in on the Special Delivery website (

21.8. Prior to delivery of the Special Delivery item, the addressee may (using the Special Delivery tracking number), request one of the following delivery options:

21.8.1. the item is held at the Customer Service Point to be collected by the addressee (or their representative);

21.8.2. the item is delivered to a local Post Office® branch nominated by the addressee so the item can be collected by the addressee (or their representative); or

21.8.3. the item is delivered to the address on a later day (such date to be no later than 6 working days after the original estimated delivery date),

(“Inflight Delivery Options”).

21.9. Collection of Special Delivery items as specified at 21.8.1 or 21.8.2 is subject to the addressee (or their representative) presenting identification of the addressee that we deem acceptable.

21.10. Please note that the Inflight Delivery Options at 21.8 are not available in respect of Channel Islands, Isle of Man or HM Forces (also known as BFPO) addresses.

21.11. Whilst we will make reasonable efforts to carry out the Inflight Delivery Options as set out at point 21.8 above, we will not be liable to you or the addressee if we choose not to accept a request or if we are otherwise unable to perform a request. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, operational reasons, or where insufficient prior notice has been received from the addressee to process the request in good time.

21.12. As mentioned in section 17.7.5 Special Delivery comes with compensation of up to the lower of market value or £500 for loss or damage (or part loss). The purchase of enhanced compensation for an appropriate additional service fee increases the maximum limit up to £1,000 or £2,500. These limits do not include cover for consequential loss. Consequential loss is the loss that occurs from failure of the Special Delivery service beyond the loss or delay of or damage to an item. For instance the loss of some legal contractual documents may lead to additional financial loss. Our Consequential Loss service is an add on service that will provide additional compensation if things go wrong. It is available for an additional service fee from a Post Office® branch. It is not available for items being sent to the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or HM Forces (also known as BFPO) addresses.

21.12.1. Claims for consequential loss must be made within 14 days of the day the item was posted.

21.12.2. Claims for consequential loss can only be made by you, as the sender of the item, for the loss you have incurred which is over & above and wholly distinct from the actual value of the contents of the Special Delivery item.

21.13. If we find an item which has not met the conditions laid out in this Scheme for a Special Delivery item but which either

21.14. has ‘Special Delivery’ written on it, or anything which suggests that the item is intended to be sent via Special Delivery or

21.15. is found to contain valuables,

21.15.1. then we will treat it as a Special Delivery item.

21.15.2. In either case, if the item is treated as a Special Delivery item, you or the addressee will be charged the appropriate postage for that service. If the fee is not paid the item may be dealt with or disposed of at our discretion.

22. Articles for the Blind

22.1. Articles for the Blind is a free of charge, next day service for the conveyance of items that contain particular items that are of use to blind people.

22.2. In this Scheme blind people and the blind means

22.2.1. persons registered as blind under the provisions of the National Assistance Act 1948 or

22.2.2. persons whose standard of close-up vision, with spectacles, is N12 or less.

22.3. Articles for the Blind can be used to convey items to or from blind people that contain any of the following items:

22.3.1. books, papers and letters which are specifically prepared for use by blind people. Standard or large print items may only be sent using the Articles for the Blind service if, in our reasonable opinion, they fall within this definition and the font size is at least 16 points in size,

22.3.2. papers sent to anyone to be specially prepared or impressed so that blind people can use them,

22.3.3. relief maps,

22.3.4. machines, frames and attachments for making impressions for blind people to use,

22.3.5. writing frames and attachments,

22.3.6. Braille instruction manuals or

22.3.7. any other item that we determine to be allowable as listed on our website

22.4. Articles for the Blind can be also used to convey items between blind people and specific organisations or institutions (which are pre-approved by us) that cater for blind people that contain any of the following items:

22.4.1. games (including card games),

22.4.2. mathematical appliances and attachments,

22.4.3. ‘talking books’ and ‘talking newspapers’, which are recordings of readings from printed sources, such as books, journals, newspapers, periodicals or similar publications,

22.4.4. equipment used to play talking books and newspapers,

22.4.5. metal plates impressed or sent for impressing for use by blind people,

22.4.6. supplies of covers, envelopes and labels for sending articles for use by blind people,

22.4.7. watches, clocks, timers, tools and measuring equipment designed for blind people to use,

22.4.8. walking sticks adapted for blind people,

22.4.9. harnesses for guide dogs,

22.4.10. computer disks and CDs which have been prepared for blind people and do not contain information which can be read without specially prepared encryption software or

22.4.11. any other item that we determine to be allowable as listed on our website (

22.5. Any item must meet all the conditions set out below and we may open and inspect each item to ensure it meets the conditions set out below:

22.5.1. It must weigh less than 7 kilograms.

22.5.2. It must clearly show the words ‘ARTICLES FOR THE BLIND’ on the front of the cover along with your name and address somewhere on the cover where it can’t be confused with the destination address (preferably on the back of the item). If sent through a Post Office® branch a label must also be applied which is known as a P4558.

22.5.3. It must be left un-sealed so the contents can be checked to make sure they are permissible as listed in 22.3 or 22.4. Alternatively they can be sealed in a manner that we can open and then re- seal. Alternatively we may agree alternative arrangements with you in advance should you be unable to meet these requirements. For example you may be able to design your cover such that the contents are visible.

22.5.4. It must not contain any item or personal message which is not listed in 22.3 or 22.4, with the exception of a label showing the name and address of the sender, and instruction booklets, guarantees, technical documentation and other information provided for use with an item listed in 22.3 or 22.4. Please note that we may open and inspect items that are sent using the Articles for the Blind to ensure the service is not being abused.

22.5.5. It must be addressed to a named recipient. This can be the name of an individual or an organisation that provides services specifically for blind people. Where addressed to an individual that individual must be a blind person. It is not permissible to send an item using Articles for the Blind if it is addressed to ‘The Occupier’ or Dear Customer’.

22.5.6. It must not contain any advertising literature.

22.6. If we find an item that has been posted with us as an Articles for the Blind item but which does not meet the requirements set out in these specific terms then we may convey it using a different service and we will charge you or the recipient the appropriate postage for that service along with a surcharge to cover our costs. If the postage and surcharge is not paid then we will deal with the item as we determine.

22.7. More information is available on our website (

23. Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign

23.1. Special arrangements exist for the delivery of a petition or an address to the Sovereign, Her Majesty the Queen.

23.1.1. For the purposes of section 23.1 an address to the Sovereign is a formal signed written representation or appeal in respect of any concern or grievance for which there is no other constitutional remedy readily available.

23.1.2. For the purposes of section 23.1 a petition is a signed document intended to be presented to the Sovereign asking for action to be taken on a particular issue.

23.2. Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign are free of charge as long as the special conditions set out below are all met:

23.2.1. it is a signed original and not a copy,

23.2.2. it is within the size limits set out in 6.3,

23.2.3. it does not weigh more than 2 kilograms,

23.2.4. it is packed so the contents can easily be inspected,

23.2.5. it clearly has ‘ADDRESS TO HM THE QUEEN’ or ‘PETITION TO HM THE QUEEN’ marked on the cover and

23.2.6. it does not contain any other item

23.2.7. We will not accept any item for free delivery using Petitions and Addresses to the Sovereign unless we consider it complies with these conditions or if we do not consider the contents to be a genuine address or petition.

24. Petitions to Parliaments and Assemblies

24.1. Special arrangements exist for the delivery of a petition to a member of either House of Parliament (that is, the House of Commons or the House of Lords), the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales or the Northern Ireland Assembly.

24.1.1. For the purposes of section 24.1 a petition is a signed document intended to be presented to a current member of either House of Parliament, the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales or the Northern Ireland Assembly asking for action to be taken on a particular issue.

24.2. We will deliver a petition to either House of Parliament, the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales or the Northern Ireland Assembly free of charge as long as the special conditions set out below are all met:

24.2.1. it is a signed original and not a copy,

24.2.2. it is within the size limits set out in section 6.3,

24.2.3. it does not weigh more than 2 kilograms,

24.2.4. is packed so the contents can easily be inspected,


24.2.6. it is marked for the attention of a current member of parliament, the assembly or parliamentary Lord and

24.2.7. it does not contain any other item.

24.3. We will not accept any item for free delivery using Petitions to Parliament and Assemblies unless we consider it complies with these conditions or if we do not consider the contents to be a genuine Petition.

25. Poste Restante

25.1. Poste Restante is a service that allows an item to be addressed to a person at a Post Office® branch where that person may, without being charged, collect that item during normal opening hours.

25.1.1. For the purposes of section 25.1 a person is a traveller with no fixed abode in the local area or any other person or class of person that we decide and publicise on our website. It is not available to businesses including sole traders.

25.2. The words ‘POSTE RESTANTE - TO BE CALLED FOR’ must be clearly marked on the cover of the item along with the full and correct surname of the addressee of the item.

25.3. The Post Office® branch staff may refuse to hand over a Poste Restante item if they are not satisfied as to the identity of the person collecting the item.

25.4. Post Office® branches will hold an item posted within the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. They will hold an item for two weeks if posted within the United Kingdom, for one month if posted overseas and for two months if addressed to a branch at a sea port if you are arriving by ship.

25.4.1. items that are not collected within the time period set out in 25.4will be treated as if they were undeliverable (see section 15)

25.5. Please note that not all Post Offices® branches are capable of providing the Poste Restante service for operational or other reasons. The Post Office® Customer Service team can help set up this service. Their details are on their website (

25.6. We or the Post Office® will not provide the Poste Restante service where there is reason to believe that you or the addressee is mis-using the Poste Restante service; for example where the addressee already has a permanent residential or business address in the area or where the addressee’s name is abbreviated or in our reasonable opinion we believe it to be false.

26. Items sent between the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man

26.1. This section of this Scheme applies to an item posted in the United Kingdom for delivery to an address in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man (referred to in this part of this Scheme as ‘outgoing items’) and to an item posted in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man for delivery to an address in the United Kingdom (referred to in this part of this Scheme as ‘incoming items’).

26.2. All incoming items are subject to HM Customs and Excise regulations. We may charge a handling fee for ensuring that an item passes through the proper HM Customs and Excise checks. In addition HM Customs and Excise may charge an import duty (customs charge). This handling fee and duty must be paid by the recipient on delivery. If the fee and/or duty are not paid we will deal with the item at our discretion. The fee we charge is published from time to time on our website (

26.3. Section 17 (‘Compensation – what we are liable for’) of this Scheme does not apply to incoming or outgoing items except as expressly provided for in this section.

26.4. We may pay compensation for loss of or damage to (or part loss of) an incoming or outgoing item as set out in section 17 if the following criteria are all met:

26.4.1. we would have paid compensation if the item had been an item posted in and for delivery in the United Kingdom,

26.4.2. we are satisfied that the item was lost or damaged whilst in our custody and

26.4.3. we are satisfied that no compensation has been or will be paid in respect of that item by the postal administration of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

27. Sanctions Laws

27.1. You must make sure that any items you wish us to handle and deliver are not prohibited under applicable sanctions laws, for example because of their contents, their intended recipient or the country to or from which they are to be sent. Information about sanctions can be found on our website at (or any replacement URL). Further information on trade controls and economic sanctions can be found on the UK Government's web pages at export-control-legislation and and-restrictions.

27.2. If your items need a licence under applicable sanctions laws it is your responsibility to obtain it and (if we ask for it) you must provide us with acceptable evidence that you have it.

27.3. If we have reasonable suspicion that, because of its contents, an item does not comply with sanctions laws we may open that item or delay processing and delivery.

27.4. If you post an item which does not comply with sanctions laws we may deal with such item in our sole and absolute discretion (without incurring any liability whatsoever to you, your intended recipient and/or, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law, any third party), including destroying or otherwise disposing of such item in whole or in part, or returning the relevant item to you. We are entitled to charge you:

• the cost of disposal and/or destruction;

• the standard postage price;

• all other costs reasonably incurred by us; and/or

• for any losses or damage we suffer or liability we incur as a result of you not complying with sanctions laws.

27.5. We will bear no responsibility in the event that you or your agents send an item with the wrong licence required under sanctions laws.

28. Your information

28.1 Where we supply services to you under this Scheme, we are the controller of the personal data we process in providing services to you.

28.2 Where you supply personal data to us so we can provide services to you, and we process that personal data in the course of providing services to you, both you and we will comply with our obligations imposed by the Data Protection Legislation and you will not cause us to contravene the Data Protection Legislation. Where you have provided the personal data of a third party to us, you warrant that you have lawful grounds, such as their consent, to do so and that we are entitled to process that personal data to provide services.

28.3 From time to time we may be obliged by our Regulator to provide it with certain information about you, including your name and address.

28.4 Further information about how we use your personal data is set out in our Privacy Policy at Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

28.5 The terms "personal data", "controller", "processing" and "supervisory authority" shall all have the same meaning as in the Data Protection Legislation and the term "process" shall be construed accordingly.

  Annex A - Definitions used in this Scheme

A1 The Interpretation Act 1978 applies for the interpretation of this Scheme and for this purpose this Scheme is to be treated as if it were an Act of Parliament.

A2 In this Scheme, the following words and terms have the following meanings:

Actual Loss

(a) Where an item is lost or damaged beyond repair then it is the amount it cost the customer to acquire, purchase or manufacture the item subject to adjustment to take account of condition, age and depreciation.

(b) Where an item is damaged it is the cost of repair. No additional payment will be made for the reduced value of the repaired item.


means for any premises the address, including the postcode, maintained by us from time to time as corresponding to those premises in the Postcode Address File


The person to whom an item is addressed.


Items that are at least one hundred years old.


Any entity engaged in commercial or economic activity, whether for profit or not, and irrespective of legal form.

Channel Islands

The islands called Guernsey, Jersey, Herm and Sark. Christmas and New Year period The period commencing on the first Monday in December in any year and ending at the start of the first working day following the New Year public holiday(s)


Any Cover, envelope, or other packaging used to contain the contents of an item. In the case of a postcard or other card, any reference to a Cover shall be construed as a reference to an outside face of the card.


If something in an item of mail has suffered a degree of harm that reasonably impairs the material function or contents of the item.

Data Protection Legislation

means (1) the Data Protection Act 1998; the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive (2002/58/EC); (2) after 25 May 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament And Of The Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), (3) any guidance, directions, determinations, codes of practice, orders, notices or demands issued by any competent supervisory authority or other competent authority, any other applicable data protection laws or regulations and judgments of any court of law, tribunal or regulatory body as amended, extended, re- enacted or replaced from time to time, and (4) the Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications, when in force.

Due date


(a) for First Class, Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class and Special Delivery, the next working day following the date of posting;

(b) for Second Class and Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class services the third working day following the date of posting.

Franking Mark

Any mark or impression printed or otherwise made by a franking machine indicating the date and place of posting, the postage and fees paid or payable, the identity of the franking machine used and any other numbers, words, characters, symbols or marks be required by us.

Intrinsic Value

When used in relation to the content of an item means that it has an inherent monetary value relating to its essential nature.


means any letter, postcard, reply postcard, newspaper, printed packet, sample packet or parcel and every packet or other article transmissible by post.


An item shall be deemed to be lost, (unless there is evidence to the contrary to demonstrate that it has not been lost) if it has not been delivered by us by the end of the tenth working day after its due date, or the fifth working day after its due date for Special Delivery.


For the purposes of delivering items, an appropriate person chosen at the discretion of the delivery officer on the basis of local knowledge and official guidance, who lives within close proximity of the address on the item. They may be a next-door neighbour or someone who lives sufficiently close by.

Market Value

means what a willing buyer would pay a willing seller, both in a free market, for an item. When assessing the market value of an item, the value of any message or information it contains, or bears or refers to must be ignored. Market value is one of two caps upon the amount of compensation payable.

Part Loss

Where a letter is received and some or part of the content is missing.

Post, Posted

An item is posted if it has been entrusted to us for transmission by post in accordance with one of the approved methods set out in section 12 of this Scheme and related words shall be construed accordingly.


The amount of money charged by us for delivery of an item.

Postage Mark

A collective term for a mark or impression (to include a Franking Mark, a Printed Postage Impression (PPI), any Postage paid symbol, pre-printed stationery and SmartStamp®) authorised for use by us to indicate payment of postage and/or service fees on an item or to indicate that you have entered into an arrangement with us to pay postage and/or service fees on that item. A postage mark may be non-adhesive (when it is embossed, impressed or printed on a cover) as we may from time to time permit.


Any indicator, image or impression applied by us to a cover or envelope, to cancel a postage stamp or postage label, to indicate that we are the delivery agent of the item or for any other postal purpose approved and authorised by us.

Printed Postage Impression (PPI)

A Postage mark indicating postage is payable to us and printed under a Licence from us.

Private Post Box

Any post box owned and maintained by a person other than ourselves which has been authorised for use as a post box by either Post Office Limited or ourselves for the posting of items which are intended to be carried by us.

Postage Stamp

means a stamp, authorised for use by us to indicate payment of postage and/or fees on an item or to indicate that you have entered into an arrangement with us to pay postage and/or service fees on that item. A postage stamp may be adhesive in order for it to be affixed to a cover as we may from time to time permit.

Postage Label, Service fee Label

means a label, authorised for use by us to indicate payment of postage and/or service fees on an item. or to indicate that you have entered into an arrangement with us to pay postage and/or service fees on that item. A postage label may be adhesive in order for it to be affixed to a cover as we may from time to time permit.


means a person who acts legitimately, with or without express permission, on behalf of the addressee.

Service fee

The amount of money charged by us for providing a service in connection with an item.


A postage mark used by customers posting items with the SmartStamp® indicia having entered into the relevant SmartStamp® terms and conditions.

Small Parcel Box

A 15cm3 specifically designed mailing box with the "Royal Mail Delivered By" symbol on it as well as reference to "Small Parcel Box". Customers sending items with a height greater than 8cm weighing no more than 2kg must use one of these boxes to take advantage of the Small Parcel price.

Social Security post

Social security post means items whose contents relate to any benefit, contributions or national insurance number or to any other matter relating to social security. Social security post is further defined in Section 182A of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 and Section 158A of the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992.


The reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom.

Valuables (money and jewellery)

Any item that is:

i) precious metal that has been manufactured in such a way as to add value to it, including coins used for ornament;

ii) ingots;

iii) diamonds and precious stones;

iv) watches the cases of which are made wholly or mainly of precious metal; and

v) articles similar to any of those referred to in i) - iii) above with an intrinsic value.

v) Coins & Bank notes of any currency that are legal tender at the time of posting;

vi) Postal Orders, cheques and dividend warrants uncrossed and payable to bearer;

vii) Unused postage and revenue stamps and National Insurance stamps; Exchequer bills, bills of exchange, promissory notes and credit notes; Bonds, bond coupons and any other investment certificates; and

viii) Coupons, vouchers, tickets, tokens, cards, stamps and other documents that can be exchanged in whole or in part for money, goods or services.

Working Day

For any item posted using (or otherwise treated by us as being posted using) a service other than Special Delivery, working days are Monday to Saturday inclusive, excluding any day which is (in the part of the United Kingdom concerned) a public holiday and any other day that Ofcom has directed us to treat as a public holiday.

For items that have been posted using (or otherwise treated by us as being posted using) the Special Delivery service to which Saturday Guarantee has not been added, working days are Monday to Friday inclusive excluding any day which is (in the part of the United Kingdom concerned) a public holiday and any other day that Ofcom has directed us to treat as a public holiday.

For items posted using (or otherwise treated by us as being posted using) the Special Delivery service to which Saturday Guarantee has been added, working days are Monday to Saturday inclusive, excluding any day which is (in the part of the United Kingdom concerned) a public holiday and any other day that Ofcom has directed us to treat as a public holiday.

Further information (not part of the Scheme)

You can get more information on this Scheme, the services it covers and the details contained in the web pages that are linked in this document from our Sales Centre on 0345 740 740.

Lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.

1 We also offer some services under contracts which have their own terms and conditions. Some of those contracts incorporate this Scheme and so some of the clauses contained within this Scheme apply to services provided under contract.

2 Special Delivery may also be provided under a contract.

3 Special Delivery Next Day bought with Consequential Loss or with a Saturday Guarantee attract Value Added Tax (VAT) and so can only be purchased with a ‘smart’ franking machine that is, one that (amongst other features) accounts correctly for VAT. Please note that delivery confirmation is not currently available where First Class or Second Class services are purchased by use of a franking machine or stamps, or for items sent to the Channel Islands or Isle of Man. Postage labels for delivery confirmation will be available for purchase online from January 2017 and from Post Offices from April 2017. Please note that the dates for launch of delivery confirmation may change. Please check our website ( for updates.

4 The date may vary. Please check our website ( for details of the launch of delivery confirmation.

5 The date may vary. Please check our website ( for details of the launch of delivery confirmation.

6 NOTE: Not part of the Scheme. We will not attempt to deliver to a neighbour an international inbound item that requires a signature or any other item that we are contractually not permitted to deliver to a neighbour.

7 Local in this context means an address covered by the Delivery Office to which the item was returned.

8 For instance the landlord boards the property up or it becomes physically impossible to put any more mail through the letterbox or a relative makes contact with us to let us know that mail is no longer required for that address.

9 Valid for a Letter format item weighing up to 100g

10 Delivery confirmation is expected to be available online from January 2017 and from Post Offices from April 2017. Please note that the dates for launch of delivery confirmation may change. Please check our website ( for updates.

11 Please note that in certain circumstances, for example where the label has become damaged or because of the shape of the packaging, it may not be possible for us to successfully scan the item and provide the data.

12 The date may vary. Please check our website ( for details on the launch of this service.

13 The date may vary. Please check our website ( for details on the launch of this service.

14 Royal Mail also offers Special Delivery 9:00am. This service is offered under contract rather than through this Scheme. Details can be found on our website (

15 Please note that we may, on occasion, deliver items on a Saturday if it is operationally convenient for us to do so.

16 In addition we will not deliver items on a Saturday if (i) the addressee has requested for items not to be delivered on a Saturday under a retention arrangement with their local Delivery Office, or (ii) the addressee has selected an alternative delivery date under the Inflight Delivery Option at point 21.8.3 above.