Town and Country Planning
The City of Edinburgh Council
Applications, plans and other documents submitted may be examined at Planning & Building Standards front counter, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday & 8:30-3:40 on Friday. Written comments may be made quoting the application number to the Head of Planning & Building Standards within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. You can view, track & comment on planning applications online at The application may have been subject to a pre-application consultation process & comments may have been made to the applicant prior to the application being submitted. Notwithstanding this, persons wishing to make representations in respect of the application should do so as above.
David R Leslie
Chief Planning Officer
19/06127/LBC 15 Kemp Place Edinburgh EH3 5HU Remove existing lean to shed and erect extension (as amended).
20/00661/FUL 14 Inverleith Place Edinburgh EH3 5PZ To relocate the existing driveway and entrance in the front garden and create a new patio area.
20/00768/LBC 3F2 16 Warrender Park Crescent Edinburgh EH9 1EA To replace three existing single glazed timber windows to the rear with double glazed timber windows to match existing.
20/00838/LBC 23A Cumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6RT Add security bars to front basement area window and paint the front door and two under pavement doors light brown.
20/00860/FUL 78A Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 4NF Change of use from Class 1 (barbers) to Class 2 commercial use.
20/00966/LBC Flat 1, 1 Drumsheugh Place Edinburgh EH3 7PT To install a flue to the front elevation.
20/01061/FUL 1 Middleby Street Edinburgh EH9 1TD To install timber decking in the corner of the rear garden.
20/01118/FUL Peffermill Playing Fields 40 Peffermill Road Edinburgh EH16 5LL Replacement of existing cricket nets with 2 synthetic 5-a-side football pitches and associated fencing, lighting and hardstanding for goal storage.
20/01161/FUL The Mill House 2 Buteland Road Balerno EH14 7JJ Erect two new dwelling houses within the garden ground surrounding The Mill House.
20/01187/FUL Land adjacent to Clifton Road Newbridge Proposed haul road for site access to Calderwood.
20/01195/LBC GF 5 Regent Terrace Edinburgh EH7 5BN Replace existing single glazed timber-framed windows and door to the rear of the property with slim-line double glazed timber-framed windows and door.
20/01202/LBC 26 Forrest Road Edinburgh EH1 2QN Proposed works to existing shopfront windows, to remove existing and replace with new sash and case. In addition remove and infill existing rear exit door and form new rear exit door.
20/01207/LBC West Pier Shore Road South Queensferry Installation of a pontoon walkway along the length of each side of the existing West Pier within Port Edgar Marina. Single galvanized steel columns will be bolted to each of the existing concrete Pier supports using 4 No. fixing plates.
20/01212/LBC 72-98 Commercial Street Edinburgh EH6 6LX Minor alterations for office refurbishment and fit-out with works with replacement of existing windows and doors at ground floor units and new / replacement external signage and lighting.
20/01215/LBC Royal Commonwealth Pool 21 Dalkeith Road Edinburgh EH16 5BB Alterations to Royal Commonwealth Pool reception and entrance area to incorporate a new electronic access gates system, reduce the existing reception desk size and add additional storage.
20/01219/FUL 7 Regent Street Lane Edinburgh Changes to the previously consented design - These include; the change of an arched window into a glazed double door with side and top lights, the reduction in size of the proposed balcony and the change in its appearance / materials, an additional window in the north east elevation, increase in the height of the chimney stack and adjustment to externally mounted services.
20/01220/LBC 7 Regent Street Lane Edinburgh Changes to the previously consented design - These include; the change of an arched window into a glazed double door with side and top lights, the reduction in size of the proposed balcony and the change in its appearance / materials, an additional window in the north east elevation, increase in the height of the chimney stack and adjustment to externally mounted services.
20/01221/FUL 41 Bavelaw Road Balerno EH14 7AA Proposed alterations and part basement conversion internal and external alterations. External alterations would be the formation of window openings in the front elevation at the basement level, requiring excavation and building of retaining walls.
20/01222/LBC 4 Forres Street Edinburgh EH3 6BJ Installation of nine WIFI points.
20/01223/LBC 41 Bavelaw Road Balerno EH14 7AA Proposed alterations and part basement conversion in order to form an additional bedroom, comprising both internal and external alterations. Internal alterations would be formation an additional shower room, relocation of the staircase and formation of door openings. External alterations would be the formation of window openings in the front elevation at the basement level, requiring excavation and building of retaining walls.
20/01225/LBC Flat 1 35 Cockburn Street Edinburgh EH1 1BP Opening in wall and removal of partitions, installation of new kitchen and en-suite bathroom.
20/01226/FUL 133 Constitution Street Edinburgh To change the existing timber windows to UPVC windows all to match existing style and colour. We wish to change the windows to UPVC due to the tram works. This will restrict maintenance going forward.
20/01240/FUL 17 Merchiston Park Edinburgh EH10 4PW Rebuild the existing garage and extend the existing kitchen / utility and minor change to the arrangement of the photovoltaic panels on the main house roof as approved in the earlier application Ref:19/03331/FUL.
20/01241/LBC 7 Gilmour Road Edinburgh EH16 5NF Removal of existing single glazed sashes and replacement with new timber sashes on a 'like-for-like' basis with 14mm IGU's fitted to them. Style and details to match the rest of the windows in the property.
20/01245/LBC 12 Dean Bank Lane Edinburgh EH3 5BY Alteration and extension of detached Proposed separation of one wing as a self-contained studio apartment. Demolition of 3no non-original lean-to extensions. Crown reduction pruning to ash tree.
20/01248/FUL 42 Marchmont Crescent Edinburgh EH9 1HE Erect 2 metre high larch boundary fence at rear of property.
20/01251/FUL Flat 1 5 Meadow Place Edinburgh EH9 1JZ Rear extension to create kitchen, utility and shower room.
20/01252/LBC Flat 1 5 Meadow Place Edinburgh EH9 1JZ Extend the ground floor area to provide a kitchen, utility room and new shower room.
20/01255/FUL GF 12 Grange Terrace Edinburgh EH9 2LD Internal alterations and replacement of 2 No. external doors.
20/01256/LBC GF 12 Grange Terrace Edinburgh EH9 2LD The proposals are for internal alterations to the rear of the property. This consists of the removal of an internal partition wall to reduce corridor space. Non original lowered ceilings are to be removed throughout original ceilings reinstated. The rear original scullery space is to become a bedroom and the kitchen is to be brought into the main footprint of the house. In addition to this one blocked of doorway is to be reinstated and another non original external door is to be replaced.
20/01258/LBC 42 Henderson Row Edinburgh EH3 5BL Temporary removal and reinstatement of a 7.5m section of the boundary wall and railings.
20/01265/LBC Flat 11 1 Donaldson Drive Edinburgh EH12 5FA Replacement of single glazed existing sash window with double glazed side hung casement window.
20/01268/LBC 2 Melville Crescent Edinburgh EH3 7HW Installation of wall mounted air conditioning system to Reception area with associated outdoor unit located in basement well to the front. (as amended).
20/01269/LBC 13-15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Alterations to Category B listed building, including amendments to exiting entrance to re-grade existing ramp to create accessible entrance. Replacement of internal glazed doors with automatic sliding doors, retention of existing main entrance doors. Alterations, upgrades and rearrangements of existing sanitary accommodation.
20/01277/LBC 21 St John Street Edinburgh EH8 8DG Erection of a new sign.
20/01278/FUL 422 Lanark Road Edinburgh EH13 0LT External alterations to convert garage comprising new pitched slate roof, new wall and double windows to replace garage door.
20/01280/LBC 3F 7 Ainslie Place Edinburgh EH3 6AS Minor internal alterations.
20/01290/FUL 64 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2DJ Application relates to proposed change of use of basement level of property to allow for a Class 11 use (Assembly and Leisure). No other changes to consented scheme are proposed by this application. Basement level premises will be occupied by a gym operator, principle access to basement will be taken from Rose Street. Attached drawings show extent of floorspace subject of this application.
20/01303/FUL 30 St Clair Terrace Edinburgh EH10 5NW Break out opening to provide French doors; close-up existing single door and window.
20/01329/FUL 1A Royston Terrace Edinburgh EH3 5QU Internal alterations, alterations to front door, lowering of floor level and change of use from retail/office use to residential use.
20/01335/FUL 27 Wester Coates Avenue Edinburgh EH12 5LS Increase existing driveway width from 2600mm to 3200mm. 600mm x 2100mm area of existing stone wall removed to accommodate new driveway width.
20/01339/FUL Flat 2 146 Whitehouse Loan Edinburgh EH9 2AN Remove existing window, lower cill and form new door opening with steps down to new paved area in garden.
20/01348/FUL 9 Alva Street Edinburgh EH2 4PH Single storey extension to rear garden to lower ground floor apartment.
20/01368/FUL Plots 29 And 35 Granton Harbour West Harbour Road Edinburgh Formation of access roads and footways and public realm; and associated quay edge retention scheme, to serve the Granton Harbour plot 29 (residential development) and plot 35 (hotel development).
20/01377/FUL 66 Spylaw Bank Road Edinburgh EH13 0JB Proposed single storey rear extension and internal alterations.
20/01390/FUL 19 Strathearn Road Edinburgh EH9 2AE Demolition of non-original UPVC conservatory to rear of property and replacement with new extension with associated internal modifications. Installation of ASHP and solar collectors on roof. Upgrading sash windows to double glazing.
20/01453/FUL 164A Woodhall Road Edinburgh EH13 0PJ Change of Use for field from residential / commercial to leisure; minor alterations including new external slapping.
20/01499/FUL 9 Ann Street Edinburgh EH4 1PL Relocating kitchen back to the basement and enlarging by removing walls. Addition of a conservatory / sunroom to rear.
20/01503/FUL 6 Napier Loan Edinburgh EH10 5BG Alterations to the frontage and a new single storey extension to the rear of a semi-detached house. A new cupola roof light to the existing house.
20/01509/LBC 2F1 44 Montgomery Street Edinburgh EH7 5JY Install a new central heating system with new combi boiler, new under floor pipe work and new radiators in each room. Form an opening in the wall of the building and install a new boiler with a 100mm diameter flue made from hard, black plastic projecting 110mm from the wall without a plume kit or terminal guard. Re-direct water pipe under the floor, remove two old gas fires, old pipework, old water storage tank and old immersion heater.
20/01565/FUL 10 Brae Park Edinburgh EH4 6DJ Existing rear extension to be demolished and replaced and internal alterations.
20/01572/FUL 2F2 28 East Preston Street Edinburgh EH8 9QB Change windows to rear of property to UPVC.
20/01573/FUL 3 Mid Gillsland Road Edinburgh EH10 5TW Installation of 2 No. new windows and replacement flue pipe.
20/01580/FUL 9 Paties Road Edinburgh EH14 1EF Demolition of rear extension and replacement with new single-storey extension and rear-facing dormer window (and associated internal alterations).
20/01601/FUL 133 Craiglea Drive Edinburgh EH10 5PP Change part of a front garden into a driveway with a charging point.
20/01605/FUL 10 Gillsland Road Edinburgh EH10 5BW Part demolition of single storey extension structure to rear of dwelling, removing roof and creating new openings. Demolition of unsympathetic garage structure. Proposal to construct new zinc clad roof over existing with clerestory glazing, extending over new extension with gym area and storage. Internal alterations to create of boot room, pantry and laundry area. All windows on ground and 1st floors (currently UPVC) to be replaced with timber frame sash and case windows with double glazed units.
20/01618/FUL 17 Craighall Gardens Edinburgh EH6 4RH Remove existing cherry tree and a section of garden wall to form new driveway access.
20/01622/FUL 3F1 75 Montgomery Street Edinburgh EH7 5HZ Attic conversion.
20/01623/FUL 3F2 75 Montgomery Street Edinburgh EH7 5HZ Attic conversion.
20/01632/FUL 7 Dudley Grove Edinburgh EH6 4QP New entrance lobby, two new velux, a new side window, and a change of materials to clad front & rear dormers.
20/01640/FUL 30A Coates Gardens Edinburgh EH12 5LE Proposed structural alterations to existing basement flat including. Relocation of master bedroom to existing lounge. New en-suite formed within existing kitchen. Form new accessible shower / bathroom to existing hall storeroom. Relocation of existing kitchen & lounge to existing master bedroom & shower room. Remove walls between existing master bedroom & rear hall, rear hall & shower room and shower room & utility room. Formation of new access to rear garden from new lounge / kitchen.
20/01641/LBC 30A Coates Gardens Edinburgh EH12 5LE Proposed structural alterations to existing basement flat including, relocation of master bedroom to existing lounge. New en-suite formed within existing kitchen. Form new accessible shower / bathroom to existing hall storeroom. Relocation of existing kitchen and lounge to existing master bedroom and shower room. Remove walls between existing master bedroom & rear hall, rear hall and shower room and shower room and utility room. Remove rear window and form patio doors, remove and replace existing rear door to form new access to rear garden from new lounge / kitchen.
20/01657/LBC 1 Carlton Terrace Edinburgh EH7 5DD Install solar PV panels on the inner roof valley.
20/01663/FUL 2F3 3 Largo Place Edinburgh EH6 4AG Proposed attic conversion with two bedrooms and shower room.
20/01664/LBC 3F1 11 Gladstone Place Edinburgh EH6 7LY Alteration to existing layout. New open plan kitchen / dining area formed with internal wall removals to rear of flat. New accessible bathroom to be introduced.
20/01673/FUL 7 Raeburn Mews Edinburgh EH4 1RG Form 2-storey extension on side elevation (end gable) to form kitchen / dining and bedroom, replace windows and door to front, fit Velux roof lights in existing roof to front and rear.
20/01674/FUL 11 Derby Street Edinburgh EH6 4SQ Single storey rear glazed extension.
20/01682/FUL 3 Largo Place (Flat 4) Edinburgh Proposed attic conversion with two new bedrooms, shower room and staircase to access attic.
20/01683/LBC 9 Regent Terrace Edinburgh EH7 5BN Formation of a glazed floor structure to the rear of the property, enclosing existing basement outshoots, forming sunroom to the lower ground floor and a terrace on the ground floor. Minor internal alterations to widen access routes.
20/01684/FUL 9 Regent Terrace Edinburgh EH7 5BN Formation of a glazed floor structure to the rear of the property, enclosing existing basement outshoots, forming sunroom to the lower ground floor and a terrace on the ground floor. Minor internal alterations to widen access routes.
20/01687/FUL 11 Magdala Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5BD Alterations, extension and renovation to flat.
20/01688/LBC 11 Magdala Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5BD Alterations, extension and renovation of flat.
20/01693/LBC 54-60 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2DF Proposed rooftop telecommunications upgrade installation and associated works.
20/01699/LBC Flat 2 13 Great Stuart Street Edinburgh EH3 7TP Reinstate the front elevation windows to their original design (6 over 9 style). Replace the rear elevation windows with new sashes as existing are beyond repair (currently 1 over 1 style). Both front and rear elevation windows to have Heritage 'slimlite' double glazing installed. All relevant window moulds, dimensions and profiles to be kept or reinstated to original design. Restoration of original cases. Window 6, is not an original window.
20/01700/LBC BF2 20 Drummond Place Edinburgh EH3 6PL Manufacture new sashes that are currently beyond repair and require immediate attention to prevent further damage to the fabric of the building. Further seeking approval to install Heritage 'slimlite' double glazing. Special care will be taken to retain all original mouldings, dimensions and sizes.
20/01701/LBC Leith Victoria Swim Centre 13 Junction Place Edinburgh EH6 5JA Attachment of 1 No additional non illuminated sign to front elevation and 1 No additional non illuminated sign to rear boundary wall.
20/01709/HSC 10 Wheatfield Road Edinburgh EH11 2QA Application for a Planning (Hazardous Substances) Consent Variation.
20/01710/LBC 1 Liberton Drive Edinburgh EH16 6NL Removal of signage and ATM. Restoration of window where ATM currently stands.
20/01715/FUL 63 Grassmarket Edinburgh EH1 2HJ Temporary change of use from Class 1 (retail) to Class 2 a sales office for student accommodation (ground floor unit only).
20/01717/FUL 6 Campbell's Close 87 Canongate Edinburgh EH8 8JJ Change of use from residential flat to short term visitor accommodation.
20/01718/LBC GF1 10 James Street Edinburgh EH15 2DT Alterations to layout and form patio type windows to existing house and extend existing garage to form summerhouse.
20/01741/LBC 38 Marlborough Street Edinburgh EH15 2BG Proposal to demolish an existing single storey kitchen extension, and to create a large to opening to the side elevation of the principle structure, including the removal of an existing window. Construction of a new and enlarged single storey extension to the side of the house with uninterrupted access from the principle structure.
20/01751/LBC Flat 1 31 James Craig Walk Edinburgh EH1 3BA Internal and external alterations comprising replacement of casement windows and associated works.
20/01755/LBC 43 Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5PY Proposed formation of vehicle access and parking space for one car, and reinstatement of front railings.
20/01782/LBC 2F2 3 Gayfield Street Edinburgh EH1 3NR Alteration to existing layout. Kitchen to become open plan to the existing lounge.
20/01784/FUL 4F1 2 St Mary's Street Edinburgh EH1 1SU Alterations and attic conversion to form 4 bedroom flatted dwelling; installation of 4 new 'conservation pattern' roof windows to rear pitches, replacement of 2 existing and 1 communal 'conservation pattern' roof window.