Notice of Dividends

BirminghamPendleB2 2JX52.495968-1.894209BB8 0QB53.857189-2.150629BB9 7PH53.840633-2.2157961962-03-022021-02-272021-03-032021-04-06TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Burnley

No 254 of 2001

Gawthrop, Michael Andrew

Formerly in bankruptcy

Bankrupt's Address: 21 Barnfield Close, BB8 0QB, trading with another as engineering subcontractors as Contour CNC Engineering from Unit 24, Clayton Industrial Estate, Clayton Street, Nelson, BB9 7PH, both in Lancashire. NOTE: the above-named was discharged from the proceedings and may no longer have a connection with the addresses listed.

Birth details: 02/03/1962

Bankrupt's Occupation: Engineer

(t/a Contour CNC Engineering)

Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a First and Final dividend to Unsecured Creditors within a period of 2 months from the last date of proving.

Creditors who have not proved their debts must do so by 06/04/2021 otherwise they will be excluded form the dividend. The required proof of debt form, which must be lodged with me at the address below, is available on the Insolvency Service website Alternatively you can contact my office at the address below to supply a form.

Mr D Gibson, LTADT Manchester, PO Box 16665, BIRMINGHAM, B2 2JX, 0161 234 8500,
