Appointment of Trustees
In the High Court of Justice
Court Number: BR-2021-00011
Chaim Reiner
In Bankruptcy
137 Wargrave Avenue, London, N15 6TX.
Birth details: 29 May 1985
Occupation: Investment AdvisorTrading name: Chaim Reiner
Notice is hereby given that I, Paul Cooper (IP Number: 15452) and Paul Robert Appleton (IP Number: 8883) of Begbies Traynor (London) LLP, 29th Floor, 40 Bank Street, London, E14 5NR, were appointed Joint Trustees in Bankruptcy of the above individual by a decision of the Bankrupt’s creditors on 6 August 2021.
Our appointment was effective from 6 August 2021. All Creditors are hereby invited to prove their debts by sending details to us at our address shown above by close of business on 10 September 2021.
Any person who requires further information may contact the Joint Trustees by telephone on 020 7400 7900. Alternatively, enquiries can be made to James Allen by e-mail at or by telephone on 020 7400 7900.
Paul Cooper, Joint Trustee
10 August 2021
Ag HH50802