Notice of Intended Dividends
In the Birmingham District Registry
No 8381 of 2014
(Company Number 07736258)
Registered office: c/o BDO LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3AT
Principal trading address: Unit 3a Kingsbury Trading Estate, 633 Kingsbury Road, Erdington, West Midlands, B24 9PP, 46-50 Streatham Hill, London, SW2 4RD and 74 New Town Road, Birmingham, B6 4HA
Kerry Bailey (officeholder No: 8780) of BDO LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3AT and Lee Causer (officeholder No: 14112) of Two Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GA and were appointed on 2 June 2016 and 7 May 2021 respectively. The Company entered Liquidation on 24 September 2014.
NOTICE IS GIVEN to all creditors that the Liquidator intends to declare a first and final dividend within two months of the last date for proving, being 26 November 2021. If creditors have not already delivered a proof of debt, they are invited to prove their claims by post or email to us by no later than 26 November 2021, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend.
Creditors who have claims of £1,000 or less that we are aware of according to the Company’s records will not have to deliver proof of debt or claim form for dividend purposes.
No further public advertisement of invitation to prove debts will be given.
For further details contact BDO LLP on +44 (0)151 237 4500
Dated: 1 November 2021