
Newcastle upon TyneCornwallNE4 7AR54.960429-1.632266TR1 3AY50.259935-5.068861HIGHWAYS ACT 1980Highways Act 19802022-11-042022-11-172023-01-03TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk421270463880

Cornwall Council




1. Notice is hereby given that on Friday 4th November 2022 The Cornwall Council (the “Council") made, and is about to submit to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, the Order, under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980. The Order, if confirmed, will authorise the Council to:-

1.1 improve highways (including raising, lowering or otherwise altering);

1.2 stop up highways;

1.3 construct new highways;

1.4 stop up private means of access to premises; and

1.5 provide new means of access to the said premises

all on or in the vicinity of the route of the classified road known as the Truro Northern Access Road, which the Council proposes to construct from a junction with the A390 at West Langarth eastwards for a distance of 3,040 metres to tie in with Penventinnie Lane (U6076).

2. Copies of the Order and of the relevant Plans, together with the associated Compulsory Purchase Order and Statement of Reasons, are available for inspection at the Council's offices at County Hall, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3AY and may be seen between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

3. Please observe the latest Government guidance and laws in force if planning to visit the Library to inspect copies of the Order, Plans and associated Compulsory Purchase Order and Statement of Reasons. Do not visit if you are unwell, have symptoms of coronavirus, or have recently been in contact with someone with coronavirus.

4. Copies of the Order, and of the relevant Plans, together with the associated Compulsory Purchase Order and Statement of Reasons, are also available for inspection on the Council's website at www.cornwall.gov.uk.

5. If you require a hard copy of any of the above-mentioned documents (for example because you do not have access to a computer and are unable to view the documents on the Council’s website, and you are unable to visit the Council’s offices, for example because you are self-isolating or because the Council’s offices have had to be closed due to Coronavirus restrictions), you can request hard/paper copies of the documents from the Council, by telephone on: 0300 1234 100; or by email on: langarthgv@cornwall.gov.uk or by writing to FAO Langarth Garden Village CPO Team, Cornwall Council, County Hall, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3AY. When making a request for hard copies, please specify which documents you require (please note that it may only be possible for the Council to provide relevant excerpts of the Order and Plans in hard copy) and please specify the address to which you would like them to be delivered.

6. Any person may not later than 5pm on Tuesday 3 January 2023 object to the confirmation of the Order by notice to the Secretary of State for Transport, National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AR or by email to nationalcasework@dft.gsi.gov.uk stating the name of the Order and the grounds of their objection.

7. In submitting an objection it should be noted that your personal data and correspondence will be passed by the Secretary of State for Transport to the Council to enable your objection to be considered. Where the Order becomes the subject of Public Inquiry Procedures, all correspondence is copied to the Inspector conducting the Inquiry and will be kept in the PI library, where it is publicly available. If you do not wish your personal data to be forwarded, please state your reasons when submitting your objection and the Secretary of State will copy your representations, with your name and address removed, to the Council and if there is to be a Public Local Inquiry they will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.

Dated: 17/11/2022

Phil Mason