1. Southwark Council hereby GIVES NOTICE that it has approved under sections 90A to 90I of the Highways Act 1980, and in accordance with the provisions of the Highways (Traffic calming) Regulations 1999, to construct speed tables of flat-top construction having a maximum height of 100 millimetres and covering the entire width of the carriageway, at the following locations:-
(a) in BENHILL ROAD (i) extending from a point 1.5 metres south-east of the common boundary of Nos. 37 and 39 Benhill Road north-westward for a distance of 8 metres, and (ii) extending from the south-eastern kerb-line build-out of Elmington Road south-eastward for a distance of 11.5 metres;
(b) in DALWOOD STREET extending from the north-eastern kerb-line of Havil Street north-eastward for a distance of 19 metres;
(c) at the junction of FENHAM ROAD and FRIARY ROAD, extending from a point in FRIARY ROAD 4.5 metres south of the common boundary of Nos. 121 and 123 Fenham Road southward for a distance of 19 metres, and extending westward into FENHAM ROAD for a distance of 6.5 metres from the western kerb-line build-out of Friary Road and extending eastward into FENHAM ROAD for a distance of 7 metres from the eastern kerb-line build-out of Friary Road;
(d) in NAYLOR ROAD extending from the south-eastern kerb-line of Commercial Way south-eastward for a distance of 8 metres; and
(e) in OWGAN CLOSE (part of Elmington Estate) extending from north-eastern kerb-line of Benhill Road north-eastward for a distance of 5.5 metres.
NOTES: (1) All measurements are in metres and are approximate. (2) The extents of the speed tables as described above, all include both ramps. (3) Any existing speed tables or road humps at the locations described above would be replaced.
2. For more information about this scheme please contact Josh Kerry of the council's Highways – Transport Projects team Highways@southwark.gov.uk.
3. Copies of the supporting documents (this Notice and a statement of Southwark Council's reasons for making the Highways changes) may be found online at www.southwark.gov.uk/trafficorders; paper or digital copies of plans showing the location and effect of the changes and the supporting documents may be requested by emailing traffic.orders@southwark.gov.uk, or inspected by appointment only at: Highways, Southwark Council, Environment, Neighbourhoods and Growth, 3rd floor hub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH. Email traffic.orders@southwark.gov.uk (or call 020 7525 3497) for booking details.
Dated 22 February 2024
Dale Foden - Head of Service, Highways